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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 558

Oh dear, I shouldn’t have mentioned his name. It looks like John hasn’t visited her in a while.

Without asking any further, I reminded her to take care of herself before hanging up.

Ashton held my hand and reassured me, “Don’t brood over it. Have a good rest when we get home, alright?”

I nodded. Then, I looked at him and commented, “In books, it often portrays that a man would do anything for the woman he loves. Why don’t I see that happening in real life?”

John liked Hannah. After so many years with her by his side, he was already used to her company. Yet, why did he have to leave her to fend for herself when she was in her most vulnerable state?

Did he not know that an emotional wound hurt more than a physical one?

With one hand on the steering wheel, Ashton gave me a side glance. He challenged, “Hmm, although there are ghosts and gods in books, do we see them in reality?”

I shook my head.

Chuckling softly, Ashton emphasized his point. “Well, it shows that we can’t trust everything in books.”

Feeling resigned, I kept quiet.

It was late in the night by the time we returned to the villa.

The sky in K City started to turn darker. Earlier, Sally mentioned that it was likely to snow again. After all, the city would experience a few heavy snowfalls every year.

Sure enough, it snowed heavily on New Year’s day.

The white snowflakes reflected light, and it brightened the rooms.

I woke up early the next morning, but to be precise, I could not get much sleep. “Do you feel unwell?” Ashton sleepily mumbled.

“No, I’m okay. Hey, it’s snowing outside. Be careful when you go out, okay?” I reminded.

Nodding, he looked at the time before getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom.

In the meantime, I headed to the balcony. As it was snowing heavily, there was a thick blanket of snow covering the plants in the yard.

It did not seem like a good idea to go out today.

At that moment, someone enveloped me in a warm hug. I took a whiff of the familiar scent and knew that it was Ashton. Turning to look at him, I asked, “Ashton, is Jared going to pick up Summer in the next few days?”

He nodded while gently rested his chin on my shoulder. “Summer is having her school holidays. Since we are too busy to spend time with her while she’s at home, we might as well let her have fun with Jared.”


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