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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 566

After a series of talks and procedures, Ashton finally wrapped up things and approached me after he got off the stage.

Without a care about the stares around him, he pulled me close and asked, “How were the desserts?”

“It was delicious!”

It was the highest praise I gave.

“If you want to eat them again, I’ll invite the chef over to personally prepare it for you,” he offered, looking very pleased with himself.

I mirrored his smile.

We talked briefly, and it was inevitable to seem more intimate as a married couple.

At first, Ashton and I wanted to look for a place to sit. However, we unexpectedly heard a loud plop.

Turning back, we saw a group of people gathered by the pool. One person yelled, “Someone fell into the water! We need to rescue her!”

Those who knew how to swim, jumped into the pool.

As Fuller Corporation’s chairperson, Ashton pulled me along to the scene.

He made me stand a distance from the pool and asked one of his employees, “What’s going on?”

“Mr. Fuller, Ms. Zimmer fell into the pool…I think someone pushed her.”

When Ashton turned his attention to the pool, someone already rescued Rachel. In winter, the pool temperature was dangerously low. Lying on the ground in thin clothing, Rachel was shivering from the cold. She looked pitiful.

Thankfully, a gentleman took off his outerwear and draped it over her legs while another gave her CPR.

Moments later, she regained her consciousness but looked rather weak.

Ashton squatted beside her and ordered for someone to get her a glass of water. There was another person who brought a blanket for her too. He asked, “Are you okay?”

Still in shock, Rachel trembled and stared at Ashton for a while before she threw herself into his arms. She bawled.

At that moment, a few people gasped while sneaking looks at me. They were even whispering among the crowd.

“Ms. Zimmer always seems like a powerhouse, like a female warrior. Now, she seems so vulnerable.” This was a common line among the crowd.

“How can she not be shaken? Given her weak demeanor, Mr. Fuller’s heart will likely waver too,” One person claimed.

However, his friend scolded, “Don’t spout nonsense. Mr. Fuller is already married. Although he did not announce it, he already brought Mrs. Fuller to the company a few times. That should count as an official statement.”

“What do you know? Men would never be satisfied with one woman. In particular, for a man like Mr. Fuller, who has the looks and brains, it is no surprise for him to fool around outside. Besides, Ms. Zimmer is a good catch. She is beautiful and talented. I think they are a match made in heaven.”

The discussion continued. I looked at Rachel in Ashton’s arms and thought they did look compatible.

Some say that a marriage between equal parties could last longer. Thinking about it carefully, the gap between Ashton and me did seem quite large.


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