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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 596

Ashton nodded. “Are you hungry?”

I suddenly felt as though he was the one taking care of me instead of the other way round.

I parroted his question back to him. “Are you hungry?”

Cameron stirred in her sleep and woke up. She stared at Ashton and I for a few seconds before looking at the time on her phone.

Seeing that it was already past noon, she got up and poured me a glass of water. “Here, drink something. Your father went home to make lunch. He should be back any minute.”

I froze for a moment before taking the glass of water from her. I turned to Ashton and asked, “How are you feeling? Do you feel any better?”

He nodded. “It doesn’t hurt as much anymore.”

Cameron got up and headed to the toilet. When she came back out, she wiped her hands on a paper towel and asked, “What do the both of you fancy for lunch?”

Ashton shook his head, expressing his indifference. He turned to me and asked, “Do you have anything you want to eat?”

I thought for a while before shrugging. “Anything’s fine!”

Off the top of my head, I couldn’t think of anything I really wanted to eat.

Cameron picked up her bag and left the room. My phone, which I had neglected since coming into the hospital, rang loudly all of a sudden. Emery was calling me.

She sounded rather sharp over the phone. “How are you doing? Are you feeling alright? Which hospital did they send you to?”

Faced with her barrage of questions, I felt rather confused. After a short pause, I replied, “I’m fine. I’m at a hospital in W City right now. I’ll only make my way back to K City in a few days.”

Emery snorted loudly before saying, “I know you’re in W City. I was asking which hospital you’re in.”

“I’m in Medwin Hospital. Is there something wrong?”

“I’ll be coming to look for you in a short while. Have you eaten yet?”

I felt rather stunned. Shooting a glance out of the window, I stammered, “When did you arrive in W City?”

“I just got off the plane, as a matter of fact. Let’s talk more later. Send me the hospital address via text, won’t you? I’ll be there very soon.” She hung up the phone immediately.

Ashton looked at me and smiled. “Was that Emery?”

I nodded and put my phone away. “She’s heavily pregnant now. I don’t think we should let her run around the city in her condition—it won’t be safe for her.”

Agreeing with me, he nodded. “Go and pick her up, then. Be careful.”

I nodded and called the nurse over to change his bandages. With that, I turned and left the hospital.

Emery insisted that she would be taking a cab to the hospital and told me not to go and pick her up. However, I still felt a little worried for her. I called a cab for her and personally told the driver where to drop her off, before making arrangements for a room at our hotel.


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