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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 606

I nodded, indicating that I was going to go downstairs soon.

Ashton’s voice travelled from the phone. “Joseph will be there soon. You should go over together!”

I knew he was worried about me, but I felt he was making a mountain out of a molehill. “Stacey and I will be fine.”

“I told you to go with Joseph!” he barked.

Helpless, I could only nod and agree.

I noticed that it was late and said, “I’m leaving now. I’ll call you when I reach home.”

“Go back after you’ve had dinner and put on more clothes. Wear a thicker coat too,” he reminded me.

I nodded. “Got it. It’s spring now. Besides, this is J City, not K City. It’s hot here!”

Many girls on the street had started to wear skirts.

He ignored my words and said, “Wear more clothes. Don’t forget to call me when you reach home.”

I knew that he was about to start nagging. I quickly curbed the onslaught by saying, “Got it!” I hung up the call.

So it was true. After being together for some time, our conversations were mostly filled with trivial chatter. This was probably how life was supposed to be.

Downstairs, Mrs. Eriksen had hung up the call. When she saw me come down, she said, “Letty, have dinner before you return home. Mr. Campbell is on his way here. He should be here by the time you’re finished.”

I looked at the phone she had just put down and asked, “Did Ashton call you?”

As I spoke, I walked to the dining table and took a seat. I started to eat and Summer watched me with twinkling eyes. “Mommy, you’re just like a child. Mr. Fuller has to remind you to eat,” she teased.

I placed a piece of food I knew she did not fancy into her bowl and snapped, “You’re the child. Hurry up and eat.”

Mrs. Eriksen set down a pot of soup in front of me and said, “Mr. Ashton told me to make this soup for you this morning. He said you have to drink it because it’ll nourish you.”

My mouth fell agape as I stared at the large pot of soup. My head started to ache and I choked out, “Mrs. Eriksen, there’s no way I’ll be able to finish all this.”

She shook her head, her expression solemn. “No. You have to finish the soup. Mr. Ashton said that you won’t eat much at the auction. All you ate were desserts. Too much dessert is bad for you.”

I had a sneaking suspicion that Ashton was not in K City at all, rather he was in J City. He tracked my every movement like a shadow.

I sighed and silently gulped down the soup. Once I was done, I was too full for any more food.


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