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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 625

I chewed my lips subconsciously, feeling awkward under her stare.

I recollected myself and replied to Ashton, “I’ll blow-dry it in a bit.” I usually avoided the hairdryer except during winter, as it was bad for my hair quality.

Ashton knitted his brows as he stared at me somewhat sternly. Then, he turned to Rachel and said, “Put the Marketing Department in charge of promoting the AI. You can settle the rest with Joseph.”

Rachel frowned as she took a covert glance at me. “Mr. Fuller, we need you to review all these materials personally before we can—”

“You may leave now,” Ashton cut her off before looking at me out of the corner of his eye. He waved me over. “Come here!”

I walked towards him. Rachel glared at me darkly, probably angered by my distraction.

She left in a fit of irritation.

Ashton embraced me as he coaxed, “If you don’t blow-dry your hair, you’ll catch a cold.”

As he was talking, he took the towel in my hand and began patting my hair dry.

I nodded in response and pretended to look at my nails. Hmm, they’re getting a bit long. I should cut them soon.

His gentle stare was starting to burn a hole in the side of my head. I turned to face him and his magnetic gaze.

“Is there something on my face?” Instinctively, I lifted my hand towards my face. Rubbing at the possibly non-existent stains, my uncertainty grew.

He burst into laughter as a hint of humor flashed across his eyes.

“No!” He seemed to be holding back his laughter as he answered me.

Nodding, I asked, “Are we having lunch together later?”

“Is there anything you’d like to eat?”

“Anything’s fine!”

He nodded in agreement, though he didn’t specify what we were going to eat.

Despite Joseph’s several reminders on the meeting with the people from Granatano, Ashton made sure to dry my hair thoroughly first.

Ashton didn’t share even a hint of Joseph’s anxiety. Instead, he had Joseph bring over a set of clothes for me and only left for the meeting after I’d changed.

His actions induced both a sense of helplessness and poignancy in me.

Rachel suddenly entered the office to my shock. I addressed her, “He has gone for his meeting.”

She nodded and appeared a bit put out before placing some documents on his desk.

However, she didn’t seem like she was in a rush to leave. Instead, she stopped in front of me as if she had something to say.

I stared at her directly. “Ms. Zimmer, do you have something to say?”


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