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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 631

After Armond left, I sat in the hot spring and rested for a while.

“A few of the girls in the company have checked into a room. You should join them and have some fun later.”

A voice emerged from a distance. It was Savini’s.

I turned down his offer. “No thanks. I should head home soon.”

I need to turn in early tonight so that I can wake up early tomorrow.

He clicked his tongue. “Can’t you just be a team player? We all came here to have some fun, and yet you kept pulling yourself away from the crowd.”

I pursed my lips and looked at him. “So, the reason I’m here is to socialize with them?”

He raised his brows. “You should spend more time and talk to the girls. Why are you such a loner? Don’t you feel lonely?”

I shook my head. “Not at all. I’m used to it.”

My remark got him tongue-tied. He sat beside me and asked, “Do you know Mr. Murphy?”

I knitted my brows. “Mr. Murphy?”

“The man who taught you swimming just now.” He got into the hot spring, found himself a comfortable spot, and sat down.

“You mean Armond Murphy?”

He nodded.

I knew there was something unusual with that man. “So, who exactly is he?”

“He’s the chairperson of Animus,” he briefly introduced. “I thought you knew who he was since you two were chatting quite happily just now.”

“I just got to know him a while ago.” What can I say? I wasn’t always on my guard against strangers.

Savini nodded. He paused for a bit before continuing, “Armond is quite a mysterious figure. I heard of him when I was in K City and knew he was not a simple man, but somehow, I can’t find any information about him.”

After being in a hot spring for quite some time, I began to feel dizzy. I stood up and wrapped a towel around my body. “This world is full of mysterious people. I’m not surprised that Armond is one of them.”

He nodded. “As long as you know what you’re doing.”


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