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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 634

Alarm bells rang in my mind and I tried to open my eyes, but my struggle was futile.

I felt a sharp, prickling sensation in my arm, but I could not bounce up from the bed at all.

Once I regained my consciousness after some time, I looked at my arm and noticed an obvious track mark.

Before I could figure out what happened, two female cops opened the door and walked toward me. “Please come with us, Ms. Stovall.”

A line formed between my brows. I looked at them and asked, “What time is it now?”

“It’s five ‘o clock in the evening,” one of the cops said. “Come on. Let’s go.”

They were supposed to release me in another six hours.

As usual, they brought me to the same interrogation room, but I was not alone this time.

A doctor dressed in his white coat was in the room as well.

I sat down, and the cop asked, “Based on the test results, we believe you’ve abused illegal substances. So now, we’ll be carrying a more thorough body check-up, and we hope you can cooperate with us.”

I pressed my lips but did not respond to what she just told me. “Is my lawyer coming?”

She hesitated for a moment. “We’ve yet to receive any updates about your lawyer. Let’s begin the body check-up now.”

I was pretty sure I would cause more trouble for myself had I refused to cooperate with them.

So I nodded and followed the doctor, who seemed to be in his forties.

He collected the samples for the blood and urine tests and wanted to continue with an inspection of my nether regions.

I shot daggers at the doctor and outright rejected him. “Why do you have to inspect my private part if you want to find out if I’ve abused any substances?”

The doctor called the cop over, and she said, “Please stay calm and cooperate with us. The syringe we found in your bag contains HIV, so we need to find out and see if you’re infected.”


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