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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 649

Once the door was opened, Dante walked in first and I followed him inside.

This place seemed like a setting in a horror movie. Mirrors were installed everywhere. People who were unfamiliar with this place would definitely get lost in here.

After walking for a distance, we entered a big room. It seemed to be an operating suite, but this was bigger than any I had ever seen.

The only difference was that there were innumerable individual operation rooms. At a rough guess, it seemed to have at least a hundred of them.

Glancing into each of the rooms, I found that almost all the surgical beds were occupied, and all of them seemed to be female.

I instinctively turned to Dante and looked at him quizzically.

However, he did not say anything and kept walking forward. The further we went, the darker it got.

I initially thought that operating rooms were for people who needed treatment, but never had I expected these were for every female who entered this secret place.

There were doctors who were doing operations inside these rooms. They would perform abdominal incisions just like what they would do for cesarean section, put the prepacked kyanine into the women’s wombs, and sutured the incisions.

The surgery seemed simple but looking at it made me break out in a cold sweat.

Suddenly, sounds of footsteps came from behind us, and I was rudely pulled aside by Danny.

Then, a few doctors pushed a woman lying on the stretcher down the corridor. When they passed by us, I glanced at them out of curiosity. The moment I saw the woman’s face, I was dumbstruck. It’s her!

The woman lying on the stretcher was the lady who took care of me for the past few days. Why?

After watching her being pushed by, Dante turned to me and said in a cold tone, “Mr. Abe is a very punctual person. She was late for thirty minutes when she sent you down to the living room just now. That was the reason why Mr. Abe asked her to be a mule as a punishment.”

A wave of guilt washed over me. I could not understand him for a moment. So, she was punished because she was late. Is that why she kept urging me to hurry up in the bedroom? Is that why her eyes were filled with resentment before she left?

I was the one who broke their rules, but she was the one who got the punishment.

I opened my mouth, but no words out of me.

“Will she die?” I asked after a moment of hesitation.

Dante shrugged. “It’s hard to say if she’s going to survive. Normally, they can survive if the kyanine is removed in time at the destination. But there are also women who passed away during the transportation due to toxicity or bodily reactions to the foreign materials inside the womb.”


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