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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 681

I’d barely reached the hallway when Ashton lifted me from behind and dumped me onto the bed.

I landed in a clumsy heap on the bed. Glaring at him, I shouted, “Ashton! Are you sick or something?”

“Yes,” he replied seriously as he tossed his towel aside. He rasped seductively, “I’m lovesick.”


I tried to be modest and look away from his body. “Ashton, there are dressing gowns in the hotel. You should put one on!”

He seemed to ignore my words as he crawled onto the bed toward me. He asked huskily, “What are you hiding from? Are you scared of something?”

I was tongue-tied as the scent of his shower gel hit me. I started inching backward slowly. “Ashton, what are you trying to do?”

He began closing in on me, and I felt unsettled by his stare. “You should know what I’m planning to do.”

He’d said this lightly, though I couldn’t miss the emphasis he’d placed on the last word in his answer.

I’d run out of space to back into. I looked at him and swallowed my saliva involuntarily. “Don’t come so near to me. It’s late, and I should really get going.”

This position was far too sensual for my liking. I was finding it hard to breathe.

He seemed to enjoy the atmosphere immensely. He didn’t make a move and gave me a piercing stare. “Going back? Where to?”

He moved his lips closer to me as he spoke.

I was so taut that I almost forgot to breathe. Acting on instinct, I closed my eyes.

I tried to wiggle around and escape as I sensed his movements. He ordered in a deep tone, “Don’t refuse me!”

I was taken aback and didn’t know what to do. So I froze and let him have his way.

He deliberately took his time, placing featherlight kisses along my cheek.

I can’t focus when he’s doing stuff like this.

“Scarlett,” he rasped, and I luxuriated in his rich baritone.

I mumbled incoherently, beginning to fall under his spell. He suddenly stopped just as I was anticipating his next move.

I opened my eyes and was met by his knowing smirk. He teased, “Do you want it?”

I knew my face was as red as a tomato at that point. I accused weakly, “Ashton, you jerk!”

His laughter rang out through the room.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t expect what happened later that night.

I woke up to the piercing rays of the August sunshine through the window. I was shocked when I saw the man lying next to me.

“Why are you still here?”


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