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In Love, Never Say Never (Ashton Fuller and Scarlett Stovall) novel Chapter 71

I glanced at the files in his arms and asked, “Aren’t you going to work in their office?”

“Not here,” he replied. “I ordered food to be delivered to our room. You can rest after you eat.”

I was startled by his attentiveness. Nevertheless, I gave him a nod.

Our rooms were booked earlier. The bellboy brought us to our room and said, “Your meal has been delivered. If you need anything else, please call the front desk.”

Although we booked two rooms, for our convenience, the lunch was sent to Nick’s room. We thanked the bellboy and entered the room.

We had an early flight and immediately started working upon arrival. I was exhausted and hungry after a few hours.

I ate my share and got up, preparing to leave the room to Nick. He looked at me and said, “You can rest here. I’ll leave after a while.”

As he was still eating, I nodded in acknowledgment. The room was a suite, where the living room and bedroom were separated.

I entered the bedroom and switched on the air conditioner. Plopping on the bed, the last thought I had before falling asleep was to take a shower after Nick left.

When I jolted awake again, there was a blanket covering my body. I could hear someone flipping through files in the living room.

Stunned, I jumped up and walked out of the room. Nick was sitting on the sofa, flipping through the files and typing on his laptop occasionally.

It seemed like he had been dealing with work the entire afternoon.

It was unhealthy to sleep right after a meal. I sat on the bed for a while with a bloated stomach.

After a long while, I exited the bedroom. Nick was sprawled on the table, engrossed in a document. He didn’t seem to notice I was awakened.

I poured a cup of water for him. “Why don’t you take a break?”

He looked up and nodded, seemingly in a daze. After taking a sip of the water, his gaze cleared. “You’re awake!”

I gave him a slight nod. Judging from the report on his laptop, I had to admit he was bold and efficient at work.


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