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In My Desperate Time novel Chapter 349

Frances' words are true.

Back then, I chose to marry him because he killed my child.

If it's not for revenge, I will never return to his side.

Perhaps, this is our fate. No matter how we avoid each other, we end up together again.

I feel much more at ease after looking at him.

I cook a few dishes and eat with Frances.

By the dinner table, I ask him, “How did you handle Whitney?”

After hearing those words today, I hate Whitney even more.

I never imagined that she would put so much effort on Steven's private plane to kill the child in my belly back then.

One should know that a plane crash will most likely destroy everything in it.

Is she really crazy that she doesn't care about anything at all?

“Whitney and her family must have sensed that we know the truth. These days, I've been sending a lot of people to the Jordan’s, but no one sees Whitney. Lawrence said that Whitney is mentally ill again and needs to be protected and treated... Now, not even a single fly can fly into the Jordan’s. I think Lawrence is just protecting Whitney.”

That's not a strange thing.

Lawrence loves Whitney so much, he must be on his guard against Frances now.

It's just that, I don’t know whether Whitney is really ill or not.

What about Earl? Who's taking care of him, and how is he?

I'm very worried.

As if Frances sees through my thoughts, he sighs and says, “Someone is taking care of Earl, I heard that he's doing well now. Don't worry about him too much.”

“I miss him.” I look at Frances as I say that.

I really like that child so much.

As if there's a thread that binds us in the dark, I just care about him.

Maybe I miss the child that I lost too much and I want to make up for it with Earl.

However, I don't even have the chance to do so anymore.

“I know.”

Frances sighs and says that helplessly.

Earl is Whitney and Lawrence's child, even if Frances wants to help me, there's no way to do so.

After eating, Frances goes to my room and moves everything that he can to his room.


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