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*Raja Sahab palace*

"Living room"

"Vikram, I hope you will be careful next time," said Surya Pratap.

"Yes, Surya, you are right, my son is really dumbass, he had gone to London to meet him, but he didn't tell me anything, thank god his assistant is intelligent as he had told me everything at the same night. Otherwise, I would have lost my big investor because of my brat son."

"How has he come to know that you are thinking a visit to Mr.Davies for your project?"

"I don't know yr how did he come to know about my plan? He is really a spoiled brat. Don't know when he will come on the right track."

"Vikram, if I would haven't told you yesterday that Davies is coming today on the behest of papa, you really would have lost your investor because I knew it if he will come to India. He will definitely held his meeting today too, and he'll definitely want to know your plan for your projects as he is about to spend his big money on your 'ABC' project."

"that's why you are my truly best friend, Surya, and Thank you so much to send Suresh for helping me as he made a fantastic presentation with the greatest plan and reports, and he has gone to him for me, on the behest of you."

"It's ok, Vikram. But, please next time be careful and pls tell your son to be responsible as he was dancing in a drunk state in some bar yesterday and some people were laughing at him, this is not good for your image too as he is your only son."

"Yes, you are right, Surya. Don't worry, I'll handle him."

Meanwhile, Suresh comes near them, bowed his head, and said, "Good Evening Raja Sahab and Vikram sir,"

Surya nodded while Vikram said with smiled face, "Good Evening, Suresh. please tell me soon, has Mr. Davies agreed to invest in my project?"

"Yes, sir," said Suresh.

Hearing him, Vikram gets immensely happy.

"But, sir--"

"What but? Suresh."

"Sir, he told me that if I will handle that project personally, then he will invest in this project. Otherwise, no," said Suresh while gazing at both of them.

Raja Sahab frowned as hearing him and said, "What do you mean by that, Suresh? You will not do work for me from now on?"

"No, Raja Sahab, I'll never do this in my life, even I can't think about leaving your side."

Raja Sahab got immense happy to hear his answer, but Vikram got worried to heard him.

"Now, what I'll do? Surya?" said Vikram while gazing at him.

"Don't worry, Vikram. We will find the other way to convince him."

He nodded to hear him."Vikram Sir, one more thing, I also want to tell you."

"What, Suresh?" asked Vikram inquisitively.

"Sir, he also knew about your son that he was doing a hangout with his friends in some bar last night, that's why... he thinks, Aaditya sir is irresponsible and he won't able to handle this project."

"Oh, God! How can he know about him? Surya."

"Don't know, Vikram. I think we have to meet him in person and have to clear all this mess which your son has created for you."

"You're right, Surya. I think we have to meet him tomorrow."

"Ok, now you go and take a rest. We will meet with him tomorrow."

"Ok," he said.

"Suresh, you also go as you must be tired too."

"Ok, Sir," said Suresh while bowed him.

After that, Suresh and Vikram went from there, and then Sonu comes to visit him as he had called him.

"Glory to the Raja Sahab," said Surya while bowing his head in front of Surya.

"Sonu, how did papa come to know about that issue? I had already warned you to not disclose it," roared Surya in a loud voice.

"I tried my best to hide this matter. Don't know from where two girls came and told him everything, and one of them is very dear to the Elder king."

"Do you know both of the girls?"

"No, sir, I don't know anything about them," he shrugged his shoulder and said.


"You can go now."

He bowed his head and went.

"I think I have to talk with him that he will not sell that land to papa at any cost as I don't want to papa spend my money on that land." He thought.


At night...Reema was preparing their bed to sleep while Suresh was reading some of his files as sitting on the chair. Meanwhile, Riya came into their room and said, "Papa, Dadi is calling you in her room."

"Ok, you go. I come in a while," said Suresh.

Suresh gets up from the chair as placed her file on the table and said, "Reema you sleep, I come in a while."

She nodded and he went from his room.


"Maa, why have you called?" asked Gauri with frowned brows.

"Gauri, wait a minute, Suresh will also come in a while," she saw at the door that Suresh had also come, "Look, Suresh has also arrived."

when Suresh entered her room he saw Gauri was also sitting there already.

"what happened? maa, Why have you called us at late night?" asked Suresh as sitting on the chair.

"I want both of you to start looking for a groom for Ruhi because now that her graduation has also been completed, so so we should get her married," said Susheela.

"But maa, I had told you earlier also that she is a Manglik, so we have to find (Manglik) bridegroom too for her. Otherwise, do you know what will happen ahead?" said Gauri as looked towards her.

"Gauri, so why are you not searching?"

"Sorry, maa. I was busy with my tailoring work so I forgot, but---"

"Wait, bhabhi ! Does Reema know about this?" Suresh asked.

"No, probably," Gauri says as looking at Sushila.

"Why bhabhi? why didn't you both tell her?"

"Suresh, do you not know your wife? she will never be ready for her marriage soon," said Susheela while stared at him.

"Maa, you are doing wrong because it is Reema who has raised her since childhood," Suresh says looking at Gauri, "Reema has every right to know about her life decision."

"Suresh why are you taking her side today? Don't you want Ruhi to leave this house early? as our Rohan went to his hostel for his studies so he doesn't yearn her mother's love more but our poor Riya she always yearns for her mother's love as Reema always busy with that girl ... That's why I want to get rid of this Ruhi soon. Then Reema pays attention to my Riya."

Suresh said, "But maa―"


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