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Into Darkness novel Chapter 16

"Do you happen to own any cars?" Lucky asked and Sandra nodded.

"Only five though, and we are over a hundred people, plus weapons and food" Caren chimed in and I sighed.

"But there's cars in the towns, maybe we can take one of those... I know how to Hotwire them" Lou said and I looked over at him and nodded hastily.

"That's true, maybe we can make this work after all" I was positive that we could make this work and I was feeling rather excited.

"We have to announce this, can you gather everyone?" She asked Colton and Caren and they nodded and walked away.

"So I want all of you on the first cars and the kids" She says as she takes out a paper ands starts to scribble on it.

"We're 109 people here and the cars can take 5 people... We can send 25 people to take the five cars we have and go get some more cars and maybe a truck if they can find one. Everyone else will start to get their stuff and move our weapons and food out to the reception..." She mumbled and scratched her neck.

Soon Colton came running in and waved his arms in the air.

"Everyone have gathered and are waiting"

Sandra nodded and quickly made her way out.

I made my way on the crutches, Lucky waited for me and I flashed him a grateful smile.

When we came out, all I could see was like 200 eyes staring at my mum and I swallowed.

How did she manage to become their leader?

"I've gathered you all to tell you something important. Earlier today, the news said that enforcement would come to our airport and would bring survivors to the United States. We only have three days to make it there so everyone must help"

She continued her speech and gave everyone different missions, since I was pretty helpless on my crutches, I only stood by the reception and took care of all the children.

About five hours later, everyone was gathered again and there was cars waiting.

"We're leaving straight away" Sandra spoke and I swallowed.

We managed to convince her to let me, Lou, Kylie, Tyson and Loren to go in the same car.

She had made Lucky, Oliver and Colton go with some others though, which made me kinda sad.

"I'll see you when we get there" Lucky said, hugging me tight.

I looked up at him and nodded.

"Of course" I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"See you later" I said as I jumped into the car, next to Lou in the drivers seat. Kylie, Loren and Tyson sat behind us.

Tyson and Loren still seemed to be mad at each other and I understood.

But they were siblings so I was sure that they'd work it out.

"Okay, off we go" I heard Lou mutter as he started the car.

We were currently sat in an all black Range Rover, as soon as Lou and Tyson had found this car thy had called dibs and immediately drove it back.

I certainly wasn't complaining.

It was around 4 P.M. right now, but since it was summer, the sun was still pretty high.

I held my gun in my knee.

Even though I had run out of bullets the day James got attacked by that Zombie, I still kept the gun. It was a part of me now, so I didn't want to leave it. And as soon as I had loaded it again, it was as good as new.

"I'm still jealous of that gun" Kylie muttered and I looked back over my shoulder and stuck my tongue out.

We had only driven for about half an hour when Lou hastily stopped the car, making my body jerk forward. Luckily I wore a belt, so the only harm done was my chest hurting a little bit from the belt.

I quickly looked around and saw that everyone seemed to be alright.

"Why the f*ck did you do that?" Kylie asked, pretty pissed off, it seemed.

"There was a rabbit on the road" Lou shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

"Aww" Loren cooed when she saw the fluffy little creature make its way to the woods.

"I basically died" I breathed and Lou glared at me.

"I couldn't just let the little rabbit die"

I shook my head in disbelief and took a deep breath as he started to drive again.

By stopping the car, there was at least two more cars behind us that had caught up.

I could glimpse Colton in the drivers seat and I waved, soon I saw him wave back and I giggled.

Lucky was sitting next to him and he also waved.

I grinned and them turned back in my seat.

"Is it Colton, Oliver and Luke?" Lou asked me, his eyes never leaving the road and I nodded.

I stared at his muscular arms on the wheel.

There was something sexy with boys driving.


There was different tattoos making their way down his arms and my eyes stopped at a picture of someone that looked very much like Spock from Star Trek.

"Is that Leonard Nimoy?" I asked him in a high pitched voice.

"It's Spock" He mumbled and I rolled my eyes at his obvious statement.

"No shit, but why Spock?" I then asked curiously.

"Since he uses his logic to survive and I admire that"

I gaped and looked at him with big eyes.

"That's pretty cool actually" I quietly added and I saw the sides of his lips lift.

"I know"

He looked over at me and winked, before turning his attention to the road again.

I heard someone snicker and turned my head.

It was Kylie in the backseat, she was looking at me with a knowing smile and I glared at her.

That made her smile widen and the mischievous glint in her eyes made me want to yell at her.

When I looked over at Loren, she shared Kylie's expression and so did Tyson.

They all had the look 'Oooh, I think you liiiike him'.

They were still all looking at me with mocking smirks and I turned around and crossed my arms, letting out an long annoyed breath.

"What's wrong, Rave?" Lou asked me, shooting me a quick concerned glance.

"Yeah what's wrong?" Kylie mocked from behind and I shot her a death glare that basically said 'I'll kill you'.

She snickered once again and I gave Lou an assuring smile.


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