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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 108

Angela wanted to get rid of him, but he held her firmly.

As soon as Edward appeared, he held Walter's daughter's hand. The two of them were still flirting in front of them. Seeing this, Walter was furious and went straight between the two, so Edward had no choice but to let go.

"Close the door." Walter ordered.

Darcy was so shocked that she forgot to go to the bathroom. After she closed the door, she looked at Edward from head to toe.

Walter pulled Angela aside and snapped, "What's your relationship with this man?"

What relationship? She and he were not as they thought.

"I've told you that I rent his sister's room. Since the electricity in his house was burnt, he lives in his sister's house. That's why there is such a misunderstanding! " Angela said confidently.

"If it doesn't matter, why did he say that he would be responsible ?"

"Who knows! Maybe it is because your daughter is so excellent! " Angela was really crazy. If her parents knew what had happened between them, they would force her to marry him.

"Angela, don't talk nonsense at this moment. I think he has a crush on you! "

"He is not the only one who has a crush on me. Do I have to marry him if he has a crush on me?" Speaking of getting married, she felt uncomfortable.

"I think Edward is a good man. He is not worse looking than a star and has a good figure. But he is too rich..."

Hearing his eldest daughter's words, Walter asked, "Are you familiar with him?"

"How can I be familiar with someone like Edward? But he is too famous. As long as you are online, he should be known! "

Walter took a look at Edward again. He was taller and more gentle than Greg. On the other side, Darcy was worried, "Is he a star?"

"Can a good-looking man live on his face? The entertainment circle is in a mess. You are so simple that you wouldn't even know you have been sold if you marry a man in the entertainment circle! " Walter strongly opposed.

"Dad, nowadays, person can really live on being handsome! Some stars just show their faces and take photos. They make more money than our family for a year. " Shawn corrected him. Seeing that her father's face was gloomy, she added, "But Dad is right. The entertainment circle is too messy. You are so stupid. If you go in, I'm afraid you will be sold and even help others count the money!"

Angela had already ignored the fact that they were talking about something else. She said, "What entertainment circle? He is doing business!"

At the mention of doing business, Walter appreciated it and asked, "What kind of business does he do?"

"That's not the point, okay? Dad! It's really not what you think between us! " At the beginning, Walter was also dissatisfied with Greg, because his family was not doing business.

Although the Xu Family members were highly educated. But from the last few generations, they were mainly engaged in business. Their education was just a foreshadowing for business. And Walter had always believed that a marriage of equal social rank was the most suitable one.

Angela knew what her father was thinking. She was afraid that he would force her to marry again.

"In order to marry the daughter of the president, that guy Greg disregarded our dignity. If you hadn't lost your temper first, would I have submitted to humiliation? " Walter thought that his daughter hadn't let go of Greg yet, so he said so, hating his daughter for not being able to live up to his expectations.

"It has nothing to do with him! It was his business who he was going to marry! But I don't want to marry anyone! " Normally, Angela was very polite, but when she met her impetuous father, she also became anxious.

Because of the dissolution of engagement, Angela had quarreled with her parents for several times, and every time she refused to get married. Hearing her excitement, Darcy came to stop her and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Although you are angry now, don't talk nonsense! "

Although Angela didn't tell her parents the conversation between Greg and his mother, she told her sister because she felt sad. Shawn smiled indifferently, "As for the family of Greg, you will inevitably be overshadowed only having something to do with them, let alone marry him!"


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms