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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 110

In the past four months, he had spent money, status, talent, appearance... Even if he had gathered all the advantages on him, as well as his heart and patience for her, he just won her no rejection. It seemed that he had a long way to go after his wife!

Angela's afraid of softness but not hardness. How could Edward know that she was just trying to resist the temptation with reason?

His good-looking was hard to resist for people who keenly enthusiasm for appearance, let alone he had so many talents. Angela was also an ordinary person. It was inevitable for her to fall in love with someone. She just reminded herself again and again that there was only one time in her life. If she abandoned her dream in order to jump into a huge pit that she couldn't see clearly, there might be gains and losses in it, and if it was dark, there would be no peace for the rest of her life.

She shook off his hand with a little depression and avoided his gentle gaze.

The resistance reaction was like a sword made of ice, piercing into his heart, cold and painful. The strong desire of conquer at the beginning had turned into an restless uproar and desire. Edward knew that he was really in love.

When he was in a daze, she strode into her room, as anxious as running for her life.

Hearing the door closing, he turned his head to look at the door, but his eyes were unable to focus.

This time, she should be really angry. Otherwise, how could she dislike him so much?

That night, in two rooms, the two of them were lying on the bed, with their own thoughts in their minds, awake all night.

The sparrows in July screamed very diligently. On the quiet weekend, their joyful singing was heard all over the community. From the singing of these birds, at the edge of dream and waking, she could feel the sunshine today.

Today, the sun was shining brightly. It was a good day for getting marriage. Greg was about to marry another woman. She couldn't tell what kind of sadness it was. Was she robbed of happiness for the rest of her life, or was she robbed of half of her life? Greg was not the only one in her life. Without him, she still had a lot of things to protect, family, friends, work... And her dream...

However, her heart was empty. Even if she lost the toy bear who had accompanied her for a long time one day, she would be sad. Let alone, it was a person! She used to think that all her heart and soul belonged to him!

Although she closed her eyes, warm liquid slid out from the corners of her eyes.

"Now that you are awake, get up!"

Suddenly, she heard a sigh. Startled, Angela opened her eyes and saw Edward's handsome face in her wet eyes.

Ignoring the surprise in her eyes, he reached out his thumb to wipe the tears off the corner of her eyes and said lightly, "you may not be able to study today. How about I take you to a place?"

There was no request, no invitation, no coercion. This was his usual tone, but she could not refuse. Perhaps it was because she was too depressed, she nodded unconsciously and said, "okay."

"Then get up!" He couldn't help smiling when he heard her consent.

After Angela got up, washed up and went back to her room from the bathroom, Edward had already picked out a long dress from the wardrobe. The silk fabric was smooth, sleeveless style represents simple, and the bottom was slightly wrinkled, which looked a little lively. He looked the dress up and down for a moment, and then handed her, indicating her to wear it today.

"This dress is too long!" Angela usually wore a dress, but she seldom wore such a long one.

"With a pair of high-heeled shoes would be perfect! You will be the most beautiful woman in the world!"

"I don't seem to have high heels." She also wore high heels when she was in college. But when she came to the S City, she only brought two pairs of sneakers. Later, she also bought two or three pairs of flat shoes. Considering that she had to walk to work and take a bus, she was afraid that her feet would be disabled if she had high-heels on.


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