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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 114

Obviously, what Dianna did was to focus everyone's attention on Angela. Angela stared at her angrily and said, "Do I know you well?"

"We have lived together for three or four years. Do you think we are not familiar with each other? Or are you afraid that I will expose your past, so you deliberately keep a distance from me? "

Angela's face darkened with anger because of her excessive words.

"Please move your hand away!"

The cold voice attracted Dianna's attention. Then she found that the man next to Angela was the handsome man in the corridor just now. And looking at Angela's dressing today, it was obvious that she was the woman who threw herself into his arms just now.

So... Did they hear her gloating just now?

Dianna was stunned at first, but soon she didn't feel embarrassed.

Edward gave her a cold stare. Although Dianna was a bold woman, but she didn't dare to not let her go. He pulled Angela into his arms, as if announcing to them that he was protecting her.

Under his arms, although she was so angry, she was not as flustered as she was at the beginning. It seemed that even if the sky fell, there would be Edward to back it up. Even Greg had never given her such a sense of security.

At this moment, a voice came from behind them, "What's wrong with your hotel? Is everyone allowed to come in? "

Arrogant as Alina was, she glared at the waiter and said, "Why does your hotel let everyone in? What if the wedding is ruined? Are you responsible for it? "

The waiter could only ask Edward respectfully, "Hello, may I have a look at your invitation?"

Invitation? She had already given it back to Greg!

Although Angela looked calm on the surface, she was a little timid in her heart. She pulled his sleeve and said in a voice that only two people could hear, "I forgot to bring it. Take your invitation."

"No, I didn't have it." Edward lowered his head slightly and looked into her eyes. After saying that, he smiled faintly.

No?! Without the invitation, why did he bring her here?

"Then why did you bring me here?"

Seeing their strange behavior, Dianna rolled her eyes and smiled, "Is it possible that they didn't invite you at all?"

"Look! I've told you that we don't know these two people. They must be here for free meal! " Cherry Fang tried to stir up the trouble.

Because they were surrounded by several people, and soon more people came to surround them. Alina felt disgusted at the sight of Angela, as if she was driving out a pestilence. She said to the waiter, "This has seriously affected the wedding. Why don't you get them out?"

"Relatives by marriage! There might be some misunderstandings during this period! " They didn't know Edward, but did Yvonne! Richard Wei was the president of the Anson Bank and her father's elder brother. She didn't have much friendship with Mary, she would watch the fun if it was someone else, but Mr. Edward was her boss! Besides, she had a good relationship with Angela, so of course she was on her side.

As a waiter of a five star hotel, she wouldn't drive a guest away rashly. He immediately contacted the person in charge of the wedding. Soon, Bryson, the manager in charge of the wedding, came.

"Bryson?" Angela once heard that Bryson was a manager of a five star hotel. But it was normal for Greg to give his business to his good friend!

"Angela?" Bryson had always been fond of Angela. Seeing that it was her who was in a dilemma, he quickly contacted the host beside the groom and asked the host to tell Greg that Angela had come.

Greg and Mary had been taking photos with the guests all the time. When he heard that Angela was here, he ran to her without saying anything, and Mary couldn't stop him.


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