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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 134

"Don't move..." He held her, put his chin on her head and kissed her gently.

Angela was stunned.

After a long silence, she felt that his breathing was gradually even. She looked up and saw him closing his eyes.

Did he fall asleep?

She moved slightly and tried to get down from him. Suddenly, he opened his eyes like a frightened bird. It seemed that he had just fallen asleep.

He let go of her and looked tired. All of a sudden, she felt a little sorry for him. She said in a good tone, "can you return the phone to me first? I'm afraid my friend will worry about me."

At the mention of her friend, he thought of the man on the phone. A murderous look flashed through his tired eyes. He stood up and said, "I'll take a shower first."

"Give me back my phone first!" The changing mood really drove her crazy. Edward went into the bathroom without looking back.

What's the meaning of this? How could she have met such a strange man like him? If she had known it earlier, she shouldn't have gone to work in the DC Capital Group, nor should she have agreed to marry him by agreement! In the past, he would do something strange, but at least he respected her. Now he was put her under house arrest! Why was she under house arrest? Even if they were a legal couple, he had no right to put her under house arrest!

Angela was so angry that she paced back and forth for a few steps and then screamed to vent her discontent. In the bathroom, when Edward heard her scream, he was first stunned, and then his eyes were full of interest.

He didn't know since when he liked to tease her. And he knew that as long as he didn't violate her principles and coaxed her a little, she would be softhearted. It was because she was too kind that she was bullied by Greg. That was why he was worried that she would be cheated by Chuck.

Thinking of this, his eyes darkened.

When he went out, Angela walked up to him and said painfully, "Edward, I know it's my fault to leave without saying anything, but I also sent you a message later, didn't I? Even if you don't return my phone, I will accept it. Can you lend me your phone and I will call her? Otherwise, she might really call the police."

Seeing that she was so anxious and her eyes were red, Edward couldn't bear to see her like this. He frowned and said, "I'll think about it."

Then he dried his hair and walked around her. She grab his arm and asked hurriedly, "how can you lend me your phone?"

He had just taken a shower. His lower body was wrapped in a bath towel, and his upper body was naked. Angela was so anxious that she didn't pay attention to it. When she touched his wet and hot skin, she felt a little embarrassed and quickly loosened her grip.

In the past, when she saw his upper body naked, she would feel embarrassed to dodge. Now she had made progress. At least she could talk to him normally.

Edward looked at her with satisfaction, but she said with a stiff face, "put on your clothes first!"

Then she turned around.

She didn't know whether he had put it on or not, so she could only turn her back to him all the time.

Ten minutes later, she heard the hairdryer stop.

"Let's go to have dinner." He held her wrist.

Angela got rid of him and said, "Damn it! I said give me my phone! I want to make a phone call! Do you know how selfish you are? You only care about your own happiness. Don't you know how anxious you are when you worry about others?"

Tears streamed down her face.


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