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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 143

"I want to go home."

In the past two days, he had taken away her phone, completely isolated her from the world. Originally, she was not uneasy because of him, but now she felt unusually anxious. She was afraid that he would keep her under house arrest like this all the time.

With her back to him, she opened her eyes and said this, tears filling the corners of her eyes.

Her disappointed and uneasy words were like a cold wind, sweeping across his heart. The original plan was that he would take her to the top of the highest mountain in the H Administrative Region after he finished his work. Like all couples, they would watch hundreds of lights at the top of the mountain. He wanted to take her to see the most beautiful scenery, and then buy the most dazzling gem, so that she could wear the dress in the latest fashion show in Paris every day and become the object of envy all over the world... He was thirty-five years old, but wanted to give her love and romance of twenty. However, his fiery heart only felt cold at the moment

He held her tighter, but finally let her go.

If he reluctant to take her back, she didn't know what to do after she got up. She just closed her eyes and continued to sleep.

With a sigh, Edward had to call Lucas and ask him to bring her bag here. Angela was distracted by his phone call, but she held her breath and didn't open her eyes. He held her in his arms again after hung up the phone and whispered in her ear, "go shopping with me. When you come back, I'll return your phone and ID card to you."

Then he stood up and walked to the bathroom.

Angela opened her eyes and frowned. But when she thought that she could get her phone and ID back as long as she bought something with him, she straightened up and sat up.

Hearing the sound behind him, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

When they were about to leave, Lucas had already brought her bag. With her eyes lighten up, Angela was about to take it. Edward took his bag and put it on the shelf, "I'll give it to you when I come back in case you are not concentrated."

So she could only watch him close the door until she couldn't see her bag.

Edward took her into a jewelry store. Although she didn't know much about luxuries, she knew that the street they were in was selling luxuries.

In the shop, the jewelry in the glass cabinet under the light were shining brightly.

The waitress welcomed them warmly, "what can I do for you two?"

Angela took a look at the ring next to her. It was a rose gold ring worth ten thousand dollars, which was a cheap style in the shop. Even a ring alone was worth at least one hundred and twenty thousand. She just came to accompany him to buy something, so she smiled faintly, The waitress quickly recommended several styles to Edward and said, "these are all popular among young ladies. They are very suitable for your girlfriend!"

Perhaps it was because she was always regarded as his girlfriend that she didn't care about these words now. She took a look at the several necklaces, one of which looked a little familiar. It was a delicate necklace made of platinum, and the pendant was a swan decorated with diamonds.

Angela stared at the necklace for a few seconds. The saleswoman picked it up and said, "if you like it, you can try it on!"

"No, thanks... I just feel like I've met it somewhere before."

Seeing this, Edward put his hand into the suit pocket and took out something. As soon as he let go, the swan's drop appeared in front of her.

At that moment, Angela's memory was opened. When they dated for the first time, he took out this necklace and gave it to her.

The dazzling Swan circled in the air. Suddenly, she saw something carved on the crown of the swan.

She didn't see the carve on the necklace which the saleswoman showed her just now!

She couldn't help taking the necklace and looked at it carefully, only to find that there were three words of "Angela".

"You... Always with you?"

That day, he wore the necklace for her. He also said that it has been blessed by eminent monks and it was good for her luck. At that time, she just wanted to get rid of him, so she didn't accept his kindness. She didn't expect that he would still bring it with him.

"Yes!" He nodded and said, "I don't know when you will agree, so I take it with me every day."


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