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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 19

She wondered what had happened between her and Greg The memory of nearly three years, and the shallow fate, were gone!

Almost in tears, Angela went back home. She stood at the door, wiped her tears and adjusted herself for a long time before she came into the room.

Seeing that Hilda was at home, she smiled as usual and asked, "why did you come back so early today? "

Angela held the big carton which were filled with the stuff of the company, and her eyes were red and swollen. Upon seeing her, Hilda got nervous. "What's wrong? Did the people in your company bully you? "

"No, I quit the job." She said in a feigned relaxed tone.

"Is it because of that rogue Manager Baron? " Indeed, Angela once mentioned those things to her, so she was guessed totally right. Noticing that she didn't deny it, Hilda said angrily, "these men deserve to be castrated! "

"I don't think leaving is a bad thing! A loss may turn out to be a gain! "

YR Media Limited Company was a medium-sized business which was still enjoy a little well-known in S City. The price was not high, but the service was as good as the leading enterprise. Over the past two years, they had occasionally received activities from big companies. Edward even proposed that the opening ceremony of her company should be assigned to Shirley.

As for Baron, she heard that the reason why Shirley could be on the right track was because of his advice. In other words, he enjoys some reputations in the industry, but he could not went too far because of his bad character!

Now he felt offended by Angela, there's no way he was not put her in an awkward position. She was a little worried about Angela and asked, "what's your plan? Are you still working for this industry? "

"I had considered finding a non-profit agency with leisure work. It'll helpful with my examination preparation, but..."

The salary dropped a little. She had promised her friend that she would pay off her debt next month, and now she had quit the job. She had to pay also for the vacant window. She might not be pass through with a low pay.

Hilda was too kind. If Hilda heard that she was in trouble, she must want to help her. So Angela decided not to tell her the truth.

"But what? "

"But I still need time to think it over. Planning is a tough job, but there is a good chance! " With a smile, she asked, "didn't you say that you want to have pineapple fried rice I've been dying to eat for a long time. Let's start cooking now! "

After putting the stuff into her room, Angela went to the kitchen. Hilda cut the pineapple in a rusty way, and then said: "since I lived with you, my knife skills have become better and better! "

Taking a glance at Hilda's pineapple, which was not of the same size, Angela raised her eyebrows and said, "you Are you sure? "

Hilda looked down and smiled guiltily, "ha-ha! Although she has made progress, is there still a lot of room for her? Let me heat up the pot first. "

She was still a little scared at the thought of the smoky kitchen made by her for Egg-Fried Rice.

"Please don't! " Afraid that she would burn the kitchen, Angela said, "wait outside. I'll cook dinner for you."

"Alas! I'll clean it up first! "

The fried rice with pineapple was really good in color, aroma and taste. After dinner, Hilda laid down on the sofa, touched her belly and said, "Angela, if I were a man, I must marry you! No wonder my brother..."

Angela was pleased by what she said, but then she felt a little puzzle by her sudden panic expression. With a quick turn in her head, Hilda pretended to burp and said: "huh I'm so full! No wonder I've gained so much weight! "

After taking her last bite, Angela was told to leave the bowl there and wait for the part-time maid to cleared it up.

"Okay! I will go back to my room and pack up my stuff. " Of course she wouldn't refuse someone's help!

After returning to her room, Hilda made a phone call furtively. Then she reported everything to Edward in details.

Edward frowned on the other side of the phone, "Baron? "

After a pause, he added, "I'll arrange it later. "


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms