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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 202

"Alexander..." Iris was afraid of being abandoned, so she held his hand.

Alexander looked at them coldly and said nothing, but they could see that he was stubborn.

"Iris, let's go."

"Okay!" Hearing this, Iris immediately showed a sweet smile on her aggrieved face.

"You! ——"Shawn didn't expect that men would be so arrogant even they cheated on their wives these days. "Alexander! Wait for the lawyer's letter!"

Angela flew into a rage. Without saying anything, she smashed her bag on that bastard's head.

"Ah! Ah..." Being hit repeatedly, Alexander felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. He touched it and found it sticky. When he looked at the hand, there was blood on it!

"Oh my God! Alexander, you are bleeding!" Iris was at a loss.

Angela looked at her bag with metal edge and blood on the sharp corner. For a moment, she was stunned.

"Angela, you shrew!" Alexander cursed angrily.

At first, she also felt that she had hit him too hard. But when he shouted at her, she came to her senses and sneered subconsciously, "since you are bleeding, why don't you go to the hospital! My sister is still waiting for you there!"

"You are crazy!" Alexander was about to walk towards her, and Iris, who was standing aside, also seemed to want to take revenge. At first, Shawn had never thought of fighting on the street, but when she saw her sister being besieged by two people, she also ran up to help. As a result, the four people started to fight.

Angela signaled Shawn to attack Alexander with her together. Iris wore high-heeled shoes and a tight skirt, which made it inconvenient for her to move. Angela and Shawn, one in casual clothes and the other in a long casual dress, were easy to fight.

Iris was soon squeezed out by them, and she could only shout, "stop it..."

Alexander was tall and a man, but in fact, he was at a disadvantage. Angela was pushed out at once. When she took a few steps back and was about to fall, she was held around her waist and spun in a circle. Then she saw the icy face of Chuck, which had never changed for thousands of years.

"Stand aside."

Chuck put her aside and grabbed Alexander. When Shawn was frightened and took two steps back, there was a man horizontally between them.

Angela hurried to push Shawn a distance away from them, "Chuck has foundation of martial arts. Dodge them."

Sure enough, within two minutes, Alexander was beaten to the ground. Chuck punched him one by one, which made others feel pain for him.

Shawn couldn't bear it and said, "I'm afraid the bones on his face will break if you keep beating like this, right?"

"It would be better if his whole body is broken!" Angela cursed angrily, but the next moment, she was really afraid of something bad would happen, so she walked over and grabbed Chuck's hand. "Well, that's enough."

Seeing her stopped him, chuck let go of Alexander, got up and asked, "are you okay?"

He asked worriedly and reached out to help her tidy up her messy hair.

Angela stepped back subconsciously.

Chuck took a looked at her and smiled, "do I owe you in my previous life that I have to fight for you even I come to buy a cup of coffee?"

"Haven't you been following me all the time?" Angela exposed the truth.

"Do I look like an idle person?"

"Isn't it too coincidental for you to appear in such a scene every time?" She also smiled and said, "I can't figure out how small the probability is except for 'well planned'."

He frowned, but didn't respond. Because this time, he really happened to buy a cup of coffee!

"You guys, go to the police station with us!" Outside the bustling square and the high-end department store, the management staff were of course kept an eye on it.

Although they didn't want to go, they had to go with them.

An hour later, in the police station.

The policeman said, "how old are you? Why do you still fight?"

They stood in a row, feeling a little embarrassed. Angela knew that her sister was going to be a civil servant. She afraid of her being affected, she said, "I beat this bastard first. As a man, he fought back against me, a woman!" Angela pointed at Alexander and took all the blame on herself. She didn't want to get her sister involved! In fact, Shawn wasn't hit him!

"Do you mean he should stand still and let you beat him to death?" Said the policeman.


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms