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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 205

"Okay!" Edward replied casually and went straight to his office. He didn't take his eyes off the glass of kiwi juice and kept smiling.

Yvonne looked back at him in confusion. "It's so late. Be careful on the way," said Aaron with a smile.

"Thank you, Manager Aaron."

Aaron was mature and steady. He was a gentleman and knew how to keep a distance from others, because he often came to the company to see Mr. Edward. All the employees on the 22th floor knew him. In the past, Edward didn't have a girlfriend, and the only one who got close to him was Aaron. At the beginning, the people in the office thought that he was the true love of Mr. Edward, but since Mr. Edward had a wife, he had changed totally, and Aaron was happy for him. They knew that they were wrong.

"The man who works with Mr. Edward must be a rich man. I don't know if he is married or not. He is so handsome and excellent..." Yvonne looked at his back and said with praise.

Twenty minutes later, in the CEO office.

"You've been staring at this glass of juice for more than twenty minutes. Love will feed people, but you're just looking at it."

As soon as he entered the CEO's office, Edward sat on the chair and looked at the kiwi juice in his hand. After a while, he carefully put it on the table, and after less than five seconds, he picked it up again to have a good look. Aaron remembered that he didn't like drinking kiwi juice. He said it was too bitter, and now he couldn't stand his affection.

Hearing this, Edward put down the glass of juice and asked, "why did she buy me juice?"

And kiwi juice? At the time he chased her, she gave him two pearls to express his love. What did this kiwi juice mean?

"Maybe it's because coffee is bad for your health and juice is healthy!"


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