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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 207

As soon as he saw Angela, Aaron pushed the woman in his arms away. He didn't expect that Lesley would fall to the ground by accident, which made him even more embarrassed.

"I... I saw her drunk in the Mu Shadow. I was afraid that she might be in danger, so I brought her back."

Mu Shadow? Did he go with Edward? It was a bar owned by Vanessa and opened for Edward. Last time, she had seen them have an intimate relationship there.

Her heart twitched and her eyelids lowered to cover the pain in her heart. It was not until then that Aaron realized why she was still here?

"Aren't you home?"

Angela squatted down and helped her up. Without looking at him, she replied in a low spirit, "I forgot to bring my phone and my wallet. I can't return home."

After walking for a while, she found that she didn't bring anything with her. She wanted to borrow some money from Lesley and take a taxi home, but she was not at home. After waiting for more than an hour, she just saw this scene.

"Then you..." Aaron was about to ask her how she came here, but she said to him, "help me!"


Lesley was a little taller than Angela, so of course Angela couldn't lift Lesley up by herself. Aaron squatted down and said, "I can do it myself."

After all, it was a man who easily held her waist and helped her up.

"Open the door!"

"Okay!" Angela found the key in her bag and opened the door. Aaron was not familiar with her house and almost take her to the kitchen. Angela hurriedly said, "that's the kitchen!"

He then changed the direction and sent her to her room, while Angela turned on the light for her.

Aaron walked to the bedside and threw her on the bed. The moment he let go of her, he thought everything was fine, but she suddenly reached out her hand and grabbed his shirt.

"Ouch..." His shirt was torn up by her.

Hearing the voice, Angela looked to the direction where the noise came from and saw him bending over, while Lesley was lying on the bed and grabbing the corner of his clothes.

"……" Aaron's face was gloomy, and Angela was stunned. Finally, she couldn't help but burst into laughter!

"This woman... Is so brutal... "

Aaron's fitness belly was exposed, Angela felt a little embarrassed as she saw it. She didn't know whether she should go out or not. On the other hand, Aaron didn't care about it at all. The clothes torn by Lesley were still connected to his clothes, but Lesley held them so tightly that he couldn't tear them apart.

"Wait a minute. I'll go get the scissors." Then Angela turned around and went out to get it.

After cutting her clothes, Aaron smiled at her and said, "it's not appropriate for me to take care of her. I'll leave her to you."


Angela closed the door, changed her clothes and breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at her watch again and found that it was already twelve o'clock. She had to go back as soon as possible!

As soon as she opened the door, she saw that Aaron opened the door of the living room. Edward rushed in and asked, "where is Angela?"

"Where are my clothes?"

The two said at the same time.


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