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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 248

"Mommy also likes prawns!" Eden smiled brightly.

Eden was not a child who liked to laugh, and he seldom smiled so happily! It was rare for her to see her son so happy, so her heart softened again. She had to smile at her son gently, "mommy likes everything! Okay, let's go to eat prawns together!"

After Angela got in the car, Edward glanced at her through the rearview mirror and saw the helplessness in her eyes. He called Bruce and ordered three different shrimps in French. Finally, he said, "please take some other dishes too. Three for each. Two adults and one child."

Angela didn't know much about French. When she heard him call Bruce at the beginning, she guessed that he must have ordered in advance.

Twenty minutes later, in the Old Story.

Because Edward often came here for dinner. Every time a new employee entered the company, Bruce would tell him to take him to the exclusive box if he came.

When Angela followed him into the room, the memory of three years ago suddenly rushed into her mind. At that time, she was focused on the postgraduate entrance exam and Edward had a crush on her and pursued her fiercely. She specially wore a very bright pink Guardian dress, and according to Hilda's words, it indicated barely the two words "refuse"!

At that time, in order to guard against Edward, she also took the wolf proof stick given by Hilda. In order to make things difficult for him, she ordered a lot of snacks that he had never eaten before, and the pepper stick that fell out of her bag at the end of the date. Meanwhile, Hilda explained to Edward in fear. Of course... What made her most unforgettable was that later she knew that he went specially to the temple to pray for her.

Thinking of this, she touched the necklace...


The exciting voice with an accent made Angela turn around. Bruce had already run over and reached out to hug her to express his longing for her and his excitement at the moment. "Angela! You're back finally. You haven't taught me how to cook potatoes yet!"

Seeing that Bruce was about to touch her, Edward pulled her behind him, smiled at him and said something she couldn't understand in French. Bruce calmed down a little and greeted Angela happily, "Hello! Beautiful Mrs. Edward! Do you still remember me? Bruce!"

Of course, she remembered that Bruce wanted to learn cooking from her when she was praised by Hilda in front of him. Later, it seemed that Edward didn't take her here much.

"Yes, I do! Nice to meet you! " Angela politely reached out her hand to shake hands with him.

"I asked Edward several times if you had time to teach me how to cook potatoes. He said you were busy." Said Bruce.

"What?" She used to be very busy with her study, but she had never heard of he wanted an appointment with her from Edward. She looked at Edward suspiciously, but the latter changed the topic, "Bruce, we are hungry."

"Oh! Okay!" Bruce smiled and said, "I'll ask them to serve the dishes now!"

She seemed to have sensed such obvious jealousy even after three years. Somehow, at that moment, like three years ago, there was a sweet wind blowing in her heart, which made her unconsciously happy.

When Bruce was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly felt something was wrong. Turning his head, he did see a child. The child stared at him curiously without saying a word. He looked at his face carefully and was surprised.

"Little Edward?" Bruce seemed to have found a new continent. He turned around and looked at the two curiously. "Is this your son?"

"Yes!" Replied Edward.

Angela was a little nervous. After all, she didn't want to be known by so many people. However, when she looked at Edward, she didn't know if it was her illusion that she felt a little proud appeared in his eyes.

"Oh my God! So cute!" Bruce's eyes lit up.

Angela gently touched Eden and said, "say hello to uncle."

Chapter 248 He Was Jealous After Three Years 1

Chapter 248 He Was Jealous After Three Years 2


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms