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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 25

When they were about to arrive at the villa, Jonson said, "Selina has just come back from Australia and she has been a secretary before. I heard that there is only Lucas who can help you, so I think Selina could be your secretary."

"I already have a secretary." He refused lightly.

The scene popped into Jonson's head. And he asked, "was that girl just now?"

"Yes. It seemed that he didn't want to say anything more.

"What's her name?"

If let Jonson knew her name, he would have to look into all her ancestors. This was not the most terrible thing. He was afraid that if Jonson found out the truth that he took away her virginity, things would not be as simple as being questioned.

So he didn't answer his father's question directly, but promised, "I'll explain what happened at the anniversary ceremony. I don't want to make any mistake before that."

'is this woman also involved in the anniversary?'

If she was only an ordinary employee, Edward would not say this. It seemed that the woman was of great importance to him.

As a sedate man, he didn't pushed Edward when he heard this.

In No. 23 villa of LH Garden, the dinner started.

Only their parents were having a pleasant conversation during the meal. Edward kept staring at the food in front of him, cutting the steak and eating salad. From time to time, he nodded politely in response to the questions of parents of the Fang Family.

Hilda was also in a bad mood, while Selina was concentrated on her work with shyness and nervousness, so she didn't notice the weird atmosphere around the dining table at all.

Till thirty minutes later, Edward put down his tableware and politely said, "I'm full. Enjoy yourself."

Anna said, "Selina just came back from abroad. Why don't you stay with her?"

"There are still a lot of documents to be dealt with in the company." Then he looked at Hilda and saids, "you have your own daughter, right?"

Hilda also wanted to leave, but when her brother leave her the burden, she had to pretend to be passionate and hold Selina's arm, "Selina, let's go shopping later, okay?"

Selina was sensible, soft and softhearted. She didn't know how to refuse. Although she didn't want Edward leave, she still smiled and said, "it doesn't matter, aunt. Work is important. I will go shopping with Hilda later!"

At 9:47, all people of the Fang Family had left, and Hilda came back.

She put the newly bought clothes in the room and was going to ask for credit from her brother. When she passed the study room, she heard his mother anxiously saying, "Moo moo, Selina is so well behaved. She is a good girl, and it will be great help for our family if you marry her!"

In the study room, with a hint of discontent on Edward's face, Jonson shouted, "tell me! As long as the family is innocent, we will not object!"

After a moment of silence, Edward still didn't respond. Anna cried, "Moo moo, say something! What's wrong with you? Why don't you like women? What's wrong with women? "

Indeed, women's tears were more useful.

Edward finally opened his mouth, "you won't object as long as she have a clear background, right?"

"It must be a woman! As long as you marry a woman, I will agree!"

In the bedroom, her mother's nervous voice made Hilda burst into laughter.

Only she didn't object to the relationship between her brother and another man. She even fancied that if her elder brother was with another man, then she would have two elder brothers! Ha-ha

"Whose daughter?" In the study, Jonson was getting nervous too.

Edward took a deep breath, "you will get to know it at the anniversary ceremony."

Hilda still wanted to hear more, but the door suddenly opened. She threw herself into Edward's arms, looked up and smiled, "brother, I'm back!"

Edward had already known her purpose. He gently moved her head away from him and said lightly: "the money has been sent to your account. 1 million in an hour."

That's only 2 million.


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