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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 27

After work, she made an appointment with Greg at a music restaurant.

It was already dark outside, and light was dim in the restaurant, accompanied by soothing music. It was very romantic.

Greg ordered drinks for her as before. But she didn't drink it this time.

Noticing her vigilance, an unpleasant feeling flew through Greg's heart. Without any expression of anger on his face, he asked her as gentle as before, "what do you want to eat?"

"I've eaten in the canteen of the company. You can order your own food." She tried to be calm.

His eyes turned from hope to disappointment when he looked at her. Feeling embarrassed, Greg finally ordered the food for Angela on his own initiative.

The waiter served the dishes and Greg said unwittingly, "I heard that the water park in East is very interesting. I'll take you there this weekend!"

He wanted to hold her hands as before.

Angela was stunned and dodged. Greg didn't grab her hand. He was embarrassed, but had to take his hand back.

At this moment, on the road outside the restaurant, inside the car, Edward was worried and almost rush out.

But the next moment, he calmed down.

Why was he so nervous?

Lucas noticed the strange expression on Edward's face, and a thought came to his mind. Did their CEO fall in love with Angela?

It was already very strange that Mr. Edward secretly follow Angela to the date! Now that the man wanted to touch Angela's hand, and Mr. Edward looked nervous. There was no better explanation for it besides that the CEO liked Angela.

Edward was totally unaware that there was Lucas sitting next to him. He looked at them with concentration, and cursed in his heart, "Damn it!"

'didn't she come here for the video?' Couldn't she just find a random place? What are you doing here, in such a romance restaurant?

Suddenly, a panic flashed through Edward's eyes.

Will she forgive him?

Edward didn't know how angry he was when he stared at Greg!

Lucas held his breath, worried about the man in the dining room.

Although the atmosphere of the restaurant was really good, Angela was not in the mood to enjoy it. She just wanted to get the video as soon as possible.

"Greg, the video..." After a pause, she asked with courage, "can you give me the original version of that video?"

Hearing that she asked about the video, Greg pulled a long face and asked, "if it was not for the video, would you not come out to see me?"

Indeed, if it were not for the video, she would never come out to see him again. 'well, she's done with him and don't want to waste time on him, no matter how painful she feel!

After a pause, she said, "Greg, we broke up."

"I haven't agreed yet!" He suddenly stood up excitedly.

His behavior attracted the attention of the people around. Angela also stood up and whispered, "don't behave like this. There are so many people watching us!"

Instead of replying her, Greg grabbed her wrist and strode out of the restaurant. After being dragged out by him for a long distance, they finally stopped in an empty alley.

"Angela, don't be so unreasonable, okay? We've been together for such a long time and there's still a long future ahead of us. Let the unpleasant memories go, okay?" Tears welled up in his eyes, which made her heart ache.


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