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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 4

He didn't loose her until they went out of the door. She turned around and wanted to go back to the shop because she was really hungry. He dragged her back and took her aside regardless of her yelling.

"We can talk here!"

She was on the verge of being mad, "I have told you, I want to eat first!"

He put his hands on her shoulders and pressed her down, "talk before you eat!"

Although she was angry, she had no choice but to compromise. She glanced at the money in his hand. Edward realized and explained, "I had no choice last night. I didn't mean to take advantage of you. This is my compensation."

Make it up to me? Was this the money for her virginity?

She looked him up and down, held her arms and sneered, "Do you know that this might affect my life! Do you think you can make it up? "

Her eyes reddened as she said this.

He just took her virginity. They lived in the modern society now. How could it be so serious? Did she want to take the matter too serious so as to blackmail him?

He had no choice, but asked patiently, "what do you want?"

Only if she was willing to accept compensation, could his heart be more peace. And it was also a good thing.

What a tone? Did he mean she asked him for a blackmail? But it is he who touched her! Besides, what could she do? She wanted him to pay her back. Could he? If she met someone she liked in the future and she was estranged from him because of such things, it would become a lifelong regret.

As soon as she wanted to take it out on him, she thought she was not qualified. After all, it was she who entered his room at that time. She could only turn her anger into staring at him, but she could not say a word even she gritted her teeth.

She didn't even know who should be to blame for this. The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she felt. Tears welled up in her eyes.

Although Edward didn't like to deal with women, he didn't want to see a woman cry. He would be very whiny when she cried.

He looked down at his watch, and the appointed time with Aaron Chen was approaching. He had no way but added, "How about this? You can come to me again after you figure out how much I should compensate you."

"I don't want the money! But who can compensate me for my virginity? !" She cried sadly.

He smiled bitterly, "How to compensate for this?"

No matter how much money she asked, he could give her. But how to compensate for what happened?

Could it be compensated?

Wiping away her tears, Angela was in a daze and murmured, "How to compensate..."

"You can have a surgery," He suggested and handed the money to her, "Send me your account and I'll give you another three hundred thousand."

What's done is done. Does he think the truth can be changed by doing a repair surgery?! How dare he despise her like this! What's more, did she come here for money?!

She took over the money and threw it at him. As soon as she wanted to be rude, she didn't think she had any reason. After all, it was she who had come into his room that night, and she could not take it out on him. She had to turn away with red eyes and sulked.

The wind in March was a bit chilly, and the angry woman's long hair floated in the air. Her slender and helpless figure suddenly cooled his anger.

After a while, he squatted down to pick up the money. Right then, a pair of shoes appeared in his sight.

"Mr. Edward, I can't believe that there is money to pick up downstairs of your company!" The man was dressed in a light Khaki dust coat. When the wind blew, he looked elegant and graceful.


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