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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 41

This fire was going to burn the kitchen, why did Hilda still care about the eggs?

Angela thought what an absurd focus Hilda had! Seeing that Hilda didn't realize the danger at the moment, Angela grasped her wrist and said, "Get out first!"

After they went out of the door, Angela walked to the fire extinguisher and pressed the alarm button. Then she took out the fire extinguisher to put it out.

She was so skilled!

Before Hilda could react, Angela went into the room again, extinguished the fire with the fire extinguisher, and turned off the gas valve.

Looking at that there was no fire in the kitchen which was totally in a mess, Angela heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, she had regular fire practicing in the university.

"So awesome..." Hilda looked at Angela who was still neat and decent and made her feel reliable. There was admiration in her eyes.

Actually, Angela was still suffering from the shock. Her hands were even trembling, but she had hidden it well. But why was Hilda's main focus always off line? How could she be attracted by her at this moment?

Angela shook her head. Sure enough, she couldn't let Hilda get into the kitchen anymore.

Because Angela had pressed the alarm bell, property management and firefighters came up to fix the fire soon. They made relevant prevention and advice after making sure that the fire was completely extinguished, and then they left.

The kitchen was burned, but Angela was the one who felt heart broken, because Hilda looked around the kitchen and rubbed her jaw, "This kitchen is not well decorated, or else it won't be burnt so easily just because of frying an egg. It's not a bad thing to burn it. I may be able to fry an egg successfully after redecoration!"

Angela was speechless, "..."

What did it have to do with the kitchen? It was obviously that it was because Hilda who was a bad cook!

The decoration company was so efficient that they came on the second day. When Angela came back from work, the house was in a total mess. Hilda was waiting for her and said, "The decoration may take some time. Let's move to somewhere else!"

Hilda took her come to 1703 of Building A5. Surprisingly, Angela asked, "Is this another house of yours?"

"Of course not! It is my friend's. It happens that he doesn't need to live here recently. I told him about my condition and he said we could live here first. "

The room 1703 is locked with a password, and Hilda expertly opened the door.

It was furnished in the simple Japanese style, mainly in color of flaxen and rough wood. The door of the lobby and balcony was pulled open, and the low sofa and tea table were covered with a light colored blanket. Rachel was completely attracted by the low sofa.

She could imagine that she held a book, sat on the sofa and took a sip of coffee occasionally, feeling a breeze from the balcony.

What an agreeable summer it would be!

"My friend likes to read books and pretends to be elegant, so he changed the side bedroom to the study. We can only sleep in the master bedroom together! I'm really sorry for sleeping in this way these two days. We will go back when the decoration is done. " Angela's thoughts were interrupted by Hilda's words.

"If I live in such a house of taste and sleep with a beauty, how can I say I'm wronged?" Angela hugged Hilda and started to grope her body.

"You scoundrel!" Although Hilda said that, she took concerted action and also groped Angela.

After playing and joking around for a while, they took the luggage to the master bedroom.

The decorations of the master bedroom were also simple and elegant. There were wooden closet and tatami bed, and even the balcony curtains were flaxen. The two bedside tables were also neat and adorable. The whole room was so tidy that she thought no one had lived in it.

Hilda uncovered the wardrobe and set part of it empty to let them put the clothes.

Angela found that since the wardrobe was full of men's clothes, so should this be a man's room? She felt a little uncomfortable. Luckily, Hilda took out another set of bedclothes. "Is this your boyfriend's house?" Asked Angela, because she felt Hilda was very familiar with this place.


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms