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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 45

"Well...... You know what? I met Christa today, but she didn't believe me, neither did Greg. Am I not worth being trusted? Did I...... " She sobbed, "really so bad?"

She closed her eyes, but tears fell down from the corners of her eyes.

After a long while, she finally loosed her grip on the arm. But she felt something was wrong. She touched her body again and opened her eyes, "Hilda, why are you so fat?"

Hilda's arm was thin, but the arm she was holding was really thick! And with some hard muscles.

When she was confused, the light was turned on.

Under the dazzling light, Edward showed up with an expressionless face, which scared Angela to scream and drew back. But she forgot, she was in bed! The suddenly step back made buttocks fell into the air, and she was leaning backward.

The moment she was about to get out of bed, her waist was clasped and then her back hit the quilt. Edward was falling on top of her.

Still suffering from the shock, she stared at him in disbelief.

Edward was wearing a pure gray T-shirt Nightgown which was without any decorations but beautifully! It was proved again, anybody who was good-looking could look good in anything!

When Angela was in a daze, he also stared at her.

When he arrived home, it was already over twelve o'clock. He went directly into the room, took his clothes out of his suitcase and took a bath. After that, he went to bed. Unexpectedly, he heard a noise in less than ten minutes after he lay down.

He thought it was a thief at first, but soon a person came in with a strong smell of alcohol.

He was startled by the sudden hug.

When he was about to push the person away, he heard that it was Angela's voice, which sounded a little drunk and sad. Suddenly, he found it interesting. He wondered why she was here? When she said that she was unhappy because of Christa and Greg, he frowned. But when she said "Hilda, why are you so fat?" He was amused.

He was looking forward to seeing her expression when she finally figure out it was him.

As he expected, her cheeks were red, and her panicked look pleased him. However......

"Are you drunk?" He frowned as he smelled the alcohol from her.

As he spoke, his warm breath swept across the tip of her nose, which made her heart beat faster.

Feeling suffocated, Angela came to herself, pushed him away, got out of bed and asked, "Why are you here?"

She was wide awake now.

With a faint smile on his face, he said, "I'm supposed to ask you this. After all...... This is my house. "

His, his home?!

How could it be his home?

"How could it be your......"

She remembered that Hilda had told her that she didn't know Edward at all. What the hell was going on?

"Achoo!" The room was so cold that she couldn't help sneezing.

Seeing this, Edward picked up the remote control randomly and turned off the air conditioner. After staring at each other for a few seconds, Edward proposed, "let's talk in the hall."

Angela setting on the sofa, and Edward went to the kitchen to prepare a cup of honey water for her. She awkwardly said "thank you" and didn't dare to look up at him.

Edward could guess that it must have something to do with his sister Hilda. Besides him, only Hilda knew the password of the gate.

Edward called her, but she was powered off. He had to sit down and said, "she should be sleeping now. Tell me what happened."

Although when they were in H City, he did want to come back to see her. But once he came back, she went directly to his bed. It was indeed a big surprise for him.

That girl? Were he and Hilda familiar with each other? Maybe...... Did they have an underground relationship?


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms