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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 55

After that, Angela picked up the phone and called Yvonne, "Are you Yvonne? Are you available now? "

As Yvonne might be busy with her work, Angela asked politely.

"Not busy! Just ask! "

"As for what I told you in the staircase just now, did you tell anyone?"

"Oh! Mr. Edward asked why you asked for leave and I mentioned it by the way. What's up? Did I cause you any trouble? " Yvonne asked worriedly.

It was surely Edward!

"No! No, I'm just asking. Ha-ha-ha... "

Yvonne heard that Angela's tone was also full of joy. She didn't think too much and asked, "How about your salary?"

"Baron has made up the money for me. It's solved now." Angela smiled.

How could it so fast?

Yvonne was a little surprised, but soon she thought of a possibility that this might be with the help of Mr. Edward!

It seemed that Mr. Edward was really nice to Angela!

Yvonne smiled and asked, "It seems that Mr. Edward is really concerned about you! He helped you out so quickly."

Angela called just to make sure that if it was Edward who helped her. Now, what Yvonne said proved it to be true. However, she couldn't admit it, otherwise there would be another gossip in the company about them.

"Since you are so busy, I won't bother you! Let's have dinner together next time! See you in the company tomorrow!" Before Yvonne could reply, Angela hung up the phone in a hurry.

If she didn't do so, she was afraid that Yvonne would say the nonsense again.

Although the issue of YR Media had been settled, Angela were owe more and more debt of gratitude.

Because Hilda's apartment hadn't been cleaned up yet, she was still living in Edward's apartment. At first, Angela comforted herself that Edward just let her live in his house temporarily by the way because he cared about his sister.

But the other day, Hilda said to her in this way: "I think my brother treats you better than me!"

After all, Angela was an outsider, so she smiled and said, "How could it be possible?"

"You don't know that my brother didn't allow me to come to his home before. It's my first time to live in his house. In the past, I was driven away after sitting a little longer. If it weren't for you this time, I would have to live in my family's house. " Hilda complained in a bitter tone.

"You think too much. He just arranged a room for me by the way because of you. And I can see that he loves you very much!"

"That's Okay! Don't need to comfort me. Although my brother treats you better than me, you also treat me well! Now there are two people who love me, so I won't be jealous!" Then, she held Angela's arm and acted like a spoiled child.

Hilda always thought that they were really together, so she confessed. Angela explained many times, but Hilda insisted that was the truth, so she had to respond with silence.

No matter what Edward's purpose was, his starting point was good. Letting her have a place to stay in was a debt of gratitude. Gratitude was the most important thing for Xu Family.

And Edward inexplicably gave her so much salary and helped her get back the money which was entrapped in YR Media. As a result, Angela felt a little stressed when she add up all the favor.

When Angela was lost in thought, her phone rang. It was an unknown number.

She came to herself and answered the phone politely as usual, "Hello?"

There was a moment of silence on the other side of the phone, and then he asked, "Did you get the salary of YR Media back?"

There was still some concern in his indifferent tone. Angela recognized it was Edward and answered, "Yes!

Are you free tonight? Have a meal together. "

That indifferent man had always been so good to her and handled everything for her. Angela didn't think that Edward didn't have any intention. If there was anything she could give him, it was what he had once said, "be his girlfriend for three months."


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