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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 58

Afraid that they might regret, the driver said to them with a smile, "So I leave first."

Angela wanted to stop him, but the car went away. She got angry, "How could you do like this? Why do you always make decisions for others? "

Maybe Edward got used to being a president so that he had a strong desire of controlling! She really didn't like it! Because of his this shortcoming, even if he really wanted to pursue her, she wouldn't be with him, because he didn't give her any respect!

"Well, you know, as for both the performance of car and the driver, there are big risks to book a car online. You are a girl and I am worried about you... " Edward explained unhurriedly. Seeing that Angela looked a little better, he paused and said, "Moreover, you looks so pretty that you are not safe."

She looked pretty... so she was unsafe?

'Is he praising me?' Angela was stunned. He praised her with such a serious look and an indifferent tone.

"So... Are you caring about me? And are you... Praising me? "

"I just tell the truth." Edward glanced at her coldly and walked to his car.

What he meant was that he was praising her!

Angela had to say that Edward's words worked. For the sake of his good starting point and good taste, she could forgive him this time!

Being praised by others led to good mood and it could be better when being praised by someone who was good-looking! Besides, Edward had seen all kinds of beauties. So it meant to be a truth when he praised her!

She was happy to see that and was willing to follow Edward.

When she got closer, he opened the door for her and let her in. She felt flattered. After a short pause, she said "thank you" and went in the car.


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