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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 6

Exactly as what Miss Li said, Anna wanted to know if he liked women or not. But she couldn't totally trust what Miss Li said. She knew that Edward must be drugged so that he was so angry. It is impossible to release the medicinal if no one help him. As for he have sex with man or woman, or...

She looked at her own hands and shivered.

Her son is such an oddball, did he really just use his own hands in order to preserve himself purity?

She couldn't help shivering and shaking her head. She didn't want to believe that her son would masturbate rather than having sex with a woman.

She thought that she needed to investigate.

Edward put the suitcase into the trunk, got on the car and drove to the Glory City International Garden. His mother's words reminded him of what happened last night.

Groovy? Complicated thoughts asides, she was really a charming woman. How long had it been since he experienced such a feeling? Eight years? Or ten years? Hustle and bustle, more than ten years had passed. He wondered whether she was having a good life.

Recalling from last night to ten years ago, his expression changed from chuckle to frown.

Early in the next morning, Angela got up and went to look for a house to live. She browsed apps and found a roommate recruitment, which is a famous community located in downtown district —— Glory City International Garden. There were two bus stations from her company and the rent was only 800 dollars. It seemed that it was a good deal. But the landlord wrote that there were special requirements.

'I'm short of money now, ' she thought and made a phone call.

At the other end of the line came a sweet and lovely voice of a girl, "Hello."

"Hello, Miss Chen, I have read your rent information on the Internet. Do you still need a roommate?"

The girl was polite but asked directly, "Yes. Can you cook?"

"I can cook some home cooked dishes."

"It's hard to explain clearly on the phone. Why don't you come to my house directly! I happen to be at home now. "

Glory City International Garden was located in the prime location of the city. People living there were either rich or noble. In spite of somewhat restless, she thought for a while and replied, "It's necessary for me to discuss with you face to face."

"I'll text you the detailed address. Call me when you get there. I'll ask the security guard to open the door."

"Okay, thank you, Miss Chen."

"See you later."


After hanging up the phone, according to the address sent by the other party, Angela arrived at room 1206, building A6, Glory City International Garden. She rang the doorbell and the landlord opened it.

The girl who opened the door was wearing a shirt and a package hip skirt. Her makeup was naturally exquisite, just like her voice, sweet and pleasing. When she saw Angela, she looked her up and down with her big round eyes. She seemed to think about something. Finally she nodded and invited her in with a beautiful smile. "Come in! Please take a seat. Do you want coffee or lemon tea? "

"Lemon tea, thank you." Angela sat down, restrained. When the landlord turned around and walked to the kitchen, she looked around the room again.

The decoration was simple and elegant, with pink and white as the theme, very warm.

The landlord brought two cups of lemon tea, but Angela was so vigilant that she didn't dare to drink.

The woman smiled and asked, "Can you cook?"

"I can do some home cooking except too difficult."

"Can you make a curry potato?"


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms