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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 60

Angela touched the necklace and suddenly felt nervous.

Good Luck for exam? Why did Edward know that she wanted to pass the postgraduate entrance exam?

Anyway, as a boss who found that his employee wanted to take an entrance exam, he would worry about the influence of the work, right?

Thinking of this, Angela stood up suddenly and turned to look at him.

Noticing that she was a little flustered, Edward thought it was because of his gift. He was looking forward to her answer, but unexpectedly she paused a little and then anxiously said, "I... I didn't read books at work. I have done all the work that Mr. Lucas gave me! "

After saying that, she felt something wrong. If he just wanted her not to delay in work, there was no need for him to ask her out in such a formal way!

As expected, he frowned. Angela was quite sure about her thought that he gave her the necklace just to show his love for her. But she could not bear it.

Thinking of that, she reached out for the necklace. Noticing that she touched the necklace, Edward grabbed her hand and stopped her. "The master said you can't take it off."

Although Angela didn't know whether the good luck was true or not, she knew that luck was also part of strength.

Originally, she did not believe in any divination, but now, she had gone different ways with Greg and it truly proved what the diviner said. Just as Edward said, better believe what was true than what was not.


"Edward..." She suddenly looked up and called his name.

Since she became his secretary, she treated him as her boss. She called his full name because she had treated him as her equal.

Hearing that she called his name, Edward suddenly felt warm in his heart.

To his surprise, she said earnestly, "I don't have anything that I can give you."


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms