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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 62

At first, Edward thought she was just used to wearing this, but Angela's refusal just showed that she had an ulterior motive. She was so unwilling to have dinner with him, but she agreed to the appointment with Bruce with a smile. Was he really that bad?

Taking note of the displeasure in his eyes, Angela drew back her smile and lowered her head to eat the Sesame Soba Noodles. Bruce was pleased to get her agreement and then he broke the silence in French. "Edward, I made an appointment with your goddess. Do you mind?" he teased Edward in a joking tone.

The reason why Edward was not happy was that she was very friendly to other men, but she deliberately avoided him. Naturally, he smiled gracefully and replied in French, "Of course not."

Angela couldn't help looking up at him when she heard him communicating with Bruce in French expertly. After saying that, Bruce said to them, "Then I'm going to the kitchen. Enjoy yourself."

Staring at Edward, Angela didn't realize what had happened until Bruce left and closed the door. She thought, 'What did Bruce just say to me?'

She took a look at Edward, and he looked at her in the same way, which made her feel a little embarrassed. 'How could I be so infatuated with him when he speak French? I haven't even heard what Bruce said. Has he set the time?' Angela wondered.

Seeing her red face and a slight sense of shame in her eyes, Edward just thought she had a crush on Bruce, which made him even more uncomfortable.

"Are you still want to go back for your study?" Said Edward. Since Hilda was hiding under the table, it was not a good idea to have a conversation with Angela here. So he might as well find an excuse and send her home.

Angela took a look at the food on the table and said, "Since we have ordered it, I can go back after eating!"

"I'll ask them to pack these for you." While speaking, Edward dialed the service number. A few seconds later, the phone was picked up. Edward said, "Hello, I need to pack these. Thank you. "

Angela was confused. Since she came back from the toilet, Edward seemed to want her to leave. She was sensitive and thought that maybe she had refused him and he was unhappy, so he wanted to end this date as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, she also had no mood to eat. The room was silent for two minutes. The waitress knocked on the door and came in, and packed the food for them.

"I want that Japanese pancake and Scrapple! And this one! HMM And the Sesame Soba Noodles! I want that one too. I don't want the French fries. It will be too soft after taking back... " Angela automatically cheered up when she mentioned the food she liked.

Seeing that the waitress had packed enough, Edward wanted to take the bag for Angela. At that moment, Angela happened to see that and she shouted, "Mr. Edward!"

Her nervous voice startled him. She ran to him and grabbed her bag from his hands.

Her bag had no zipper. Anyone who came close to it could see things inside. There were self-defense tools in it. If Edward found out, she would definitely be kicked out of the DC Capital Group.

However, Angela didn't expect that things inside spilled out when she tried to take her bag from him, because she was so nervous and exerted too much strength.

Make-up cushion, lipstick, umbrella, key, lollipop... And the self-defense tools all spilled out.

All of a sudden, Angela felt even more embarrassed and quickly squatted down to pick those things up.

Edward picked up the lollipop and handed it to her. "Do you like it?"

He thought that if she liked it, he could send her some.

Suddenly, the waitress screamed in panic. When Angela turned around, she saw the waitress sitting on the floor with her legs trembling.

"What's wrong?" She hurried over and became nervous as well.

And the waitress's face was ghastly pale. She pointed under the table and her fingers were trembling as if she had seen a terrifying ghost.

Angela's heart also hanged suddenly. At this moment, Edward picked up the mini electric self-defense tool. He was totally frozen and looked terrible.

Why did she bring self-defense tools with her when she had dinner with him? What kind of lewd man did Angela think he Edward was?

Hilda hidden under the table happened to see her brother bend down and pick up the self-defense tool. When Angela removed the tablecloth with alert, Hilda could only squeeze out an awkward smile and waved her hand to greet Angela, "Hi..."

"Hilda? Why are you here? "


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms