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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 65

Reasonable words were more hurt than criticizing words. Because she really was in the wrong, and what he said was right. She chose to help that pretty auntie, so there must be a loss of morality and courtesy in front of him.

But she didn't know what to say. If she told him, the pretty Auntie would lose her job. And her family also lost the source of money. She lowered her head and pressed her lips tightly. She was afraid that she couldn't help telling the truth. However, what he said hurt her in the end. Her eyes were covered with tears because of grievance. She was so stubborn that she tried hard not to show it.

Noticing that she lowered her head with a guilty look on her face, Edward asked, "where is my glass?"

"Yes, I broke it..." She was so nervous that her voice was too low to be heard.

Break it?! !

"How dare you touch my things!"

If it was only to be taken away, he wouldn't have yelled out angrily, but it had been broken... Had been broken... He carefully guarded it for more than a decade. But just because she broke it, he lost it! How could he control his anger?

Pouring yourself a cup of hot water, you feel so warm holding the cup as if you are holding my hand. ——

"Edward, take good care of yourself, and the cup... You take it as a memorial to me this life. ——

Edward raised his voice, which was frightening her. In her panic, he pushed her away out of control.

Anger, unable to be restrained!

What's more, her back was hit by the hard metal handle, it hurt badly.


"Fuck off!" He was so angry that his eyes turned red. While saying this word grittily, he pushed her away.

"Mr. Edward, I... I'm really sorry, I... "she endured the pain, trying to say that she would find him a same one.

"I said get out!" Rarely had he lost control of his emotions. With his eyes red with anger, he opened the door violently to let her out.

When Edward didn't say anything, his expression was extremely serious. Hearing his roar, Angela became so nervous that she dared not say anything more. She had to shrink her neck and then went out.

In the weird atmosphere of the office, Angela summoned up her courage and returned to her seat.

She sat on the chair and looked at the computer. She let out a heavy sigh.

Now that Edward had found that the cup was broken, she didn't have to hide anything. She just took it out and pasted it well, then looked for a customized one online.

She put the pieces back carefully, took photos and sent them to a shop where she wanted to customized one. The shop assistant replied that they could design the same style, but the details were also different.

Angela was a little disappointed and didn't notice that the office was so quiet and weird all of a sudden. She stared at the cup and felt tired.

But at this moment, Edward in the office had cancelled all the calls and even the meeting.

He just sat there, leaning his head against the back of the chair and staring at the ceiling.

Fifteen years have passed, or sixteen years? Except for his business trip, he had kept an eye on that cup every day. Was the woman whose life was ruined by him all right now?

He opened the bank account and looked for the remittance information he had received in the past six months. At the beginning, he remitted her 50 thousand a month, but now one hundred thousand a month. He really didn't know what else he could take to make up for his mistakes.

'Edward, don't contact me anymore. Please don't look for me!' ——

Deep love, attachment, and dependence... Or guilty?


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms