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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 67

Angela looked around, finding that the shelves are full of newly shaped works. And the storekeeper's eye bags were serious and it seemed that she was really busy.

After thinking for a while, Angela asked, "Would it be all right? I'll operate the whole process. But... In terms of shaping, I might need you help me with my work. "

"Well, it's not impossible, but it may be very late, after all, it needs a good temperature and baked time."

"Okay! I know, but there is no better way now. " Angela thought for a while and said to Anna, "Anna, you can go home first! It's late now. "

"What? Can I go home? What about you? "

"I will go back after making the ceramic cup." Anna could do nothing by staying here.

"I broke the glass. How can I leave you alone here?" Although Anna wanted to go back, she felt guilty.

"Don't you have to go home for cook? My roommate isn't home today and I don't want to cook for myself. It will be more convenient that I just order a take-away later and go home after finishing it! " In fact, even if the shaping process went smoothly, it would take at least six hours to complete the entire process, which meant that she couldn't go back until midnight. Although Angela felt very tired thinking about that, there was a word saying that "when you help others, help him to do the whole thing well". Now that she took the responsibility on herself, she decided to try her best to be responsible for it!


Today, the Yan Family would have a family dinner. The two kids and Jonson would all go back home for dinner. It was rare to see them together, so Anna was really anxious to go back. Hearing Angela's words, she smiled and said, "Okay, but I'll pay for all the expenses."

In fact, Anna was supposed to be responsible for this matter. Besides, Angela had asked for the price. If the cup was made by herself, it would save labor cost. And the price of the mud and the furnace they borrowed was only 100 dollars, which was not expensive at all. And Anna should afford it.

Angela nodded her head and said, "Okay, it's a deal! I'll call you when it's done. "

Anna left after exchanging phone numbers with Angela.

Angela stuck up the broken ceramic cup carefully. At this time, Celia, the storekeeper, took out the soil and saw the broken cup. She smiled, "It's casually uneven originally. If you change it on purpose, it's a little difficult. It seems that you cannot sleep tonight."

"Yes! I'll try my best to do it! If I can't do it, I won't force myself. I have only one life. As long as I've tried my best, that's enough! " Angela smiled. Then she robbed the right amount of soil and kneaded it.

Celia was a little surprised to see her special making methods, "It seems that you are an expert in this!"

"How could I be an expert? I just played it a few times when I was a child. It's not my first time to do it." Angela smiled.

Angela kneaded the clay in order to make it smooth and to make the final work more beautiful. The one who knew this method was definitely not rookie in this. Now that Angela was modest, Celia did not say it out. She smiled as a response, and then went away to do her own business.

Thirty minutes later, in No. 23 villa of LH Garden of the LH District, Jonson sat on the couch, looking at his daughter with dissatisfaction.

Hilda sat on the couch and pretended that she didn't see what happened. It seemed that she was watching the news on TV seriously. Only she herself knew that there were endless emotions in her heart.

When Jonson with a long face was about to announce his decision, Anna came back.

Hilda was frightened by her father's seriousness. She ran to her mother without putting on her slippers and held her in her arms, acting like a spoiled child, "Mom! You are back! Where have you been today? I want to eat the curry potato made by you! "

"I've asked Kay to cook it for you."

"How could it be the same? Although Kay is good at cooking it too, the dishes made by Mom are differently delicious! " Although Hilda threw herself into Anna's arms, she glanced at her father with lingering fear.

"Oh? People say absence makes the heart grow fonder. You haven't been home for a long time and now your words really let me enjoy! " Anna smiled.

At this moment, Jonson walked up to them and said with a long face, "Why hasn't that brat come back yet?"

Anna also frowned, "Hasn't Moo moo come back yet?"


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms