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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 69

Generally, irrational words would lead to misunderstandings. And emotions were the most likely to cause the irrational!

He lost the glass this morning, his mother sneaked into the company to interfere, and his father threatened him to get marry by using an affair. All the emotions pent up in his heart were out of control.

"Why did you come into my room?" If she hadn't come into his room in the past, how could his locked heart reopen again?

How long has it been? Why he still rake up the past? Besides, it took her several hours to finally make the most satisfied one, and was threw by him into the trash can. He didn't take her feelings into consideration!

"How long has it been since I entered your room? What does it have to do with this matter?" After saying that, Angela was so angry that her eyes were fogged and she sat down angrily.

Angela was not a woman who would easily cry. But she wasn't that strong enough to hold back her tears even if she was greatly wronged. Now she felt that she was wronged. She didn't mean to sleep with him. She was also a victim, because she was punished for this.

Now it was summer vacation, and she would take an exam in five or six months, during which her classmates resigned and studied with all their heart. She couldn't go back home because of her disagreement with her family. She had to study and work alone in a big city, as she had no one to rely on. Time was limited, and she even spent her precious reviewing time to pinching the cup here. At the moment, she can't bear more of her grievances and cried as she was bullied by him.

He didn't come to blame her, but somehow, he felt angry just now. Now seeing her tears, he felt a little regretful.

"Stop crying." His voice softened, but he didn't know how to say to comfort her. After all, it was he who make her cry, and it seemed not sincere to say something nice to her at the moment!

"Why? !" She wiped her tears with the back of her hand, and then she continued crying while squeezing the cup and said, "in order to live, I have been tolerated in the company. I am serious in work, and I never loaf around. Manager Lucas also praised me..." The more she said, the more tears came down. She wiped her tears with the back of her hand and choked, "I'm not the person who breaking the glass. Although I also have responsibility, and with a good attitude, I still want to make you a same one by working overnight. You transfer my position willfully. I'm just a girl. I can't do anything..."

At first, Edward was really angry, but he was also not only angry with her. In fact, Angela did nothing wrong. She didn't even know that it was his mother who broke his cup! For all these years, his heart had never been affected by anyone. When she broke into his world, everything around him was out of control. What he was angry about was himself who could not controlled the situation anymore!

He was holding back his anger while reproaching her, but his heart skipped a beat when he saw her crying. However, when she was crying, she didn't notice that the back of her hand was mark. She directly wiped it under her eyes, and her face was blurred. What's more, she felt wronged and babbled. It was for the first time that he felt that a woman could be not annoying but adorable when she cried.

Edward couldn't help but chuckle.

She was crying so hard that he was even laughing. "I'm so unlucky to meet an iceberg boss. What's more, he became my boss after they had sex," she said to herself.

She would rather cut off all means of retreat than be laughed at. She threw away the mud in her hand, stood up, wiped her tears again with the back of her hand and said, "I am responsible for breaking the cup. You don't have to make hard effort to transfer my position. I will resign tomorrow!"

Anyway, before she planned to refuse him, she had already guessed that he might use his position to take revenge on her. So she had already written the resignation letter and prepared to resign at any time.

Seeing her crying like a cat, Edward took out a tissue and was going to wipe for her after she finished her words. Celia came out when he just reached out his hand. When she saw Edward, she smiled at Angela and said, "is your boyfriend coming to pick you up?"

"No, it's not." He was not her boyfriend!

"Oh! You're married?"

Celia said those words politely. Before Angela could explain, she cut to the chase, "I have roasted the last batch of work. You can make preparations now. If not, you have to wait for at least another three hours."

Angela took a look at the broken soil cup in the garbage can and said with disappointment, "I will wait for the next batch."

At this moment, Edward found the QR code and asked, "how much is it?"


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