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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 74

At first, she let her guard down because of the temptation of food. His ambiguous attitude made her take back her smile.

Putting the bowl down gently, she stood up and walked two steps backward to him. She said politely, "I'm full, thank you for your noodles."

Her reaction did not affect his mood at all. Instead, there was a sense of interest in his eyes.

Being stared at uneasily by him, Angela turned around, slipped into the room and locked the door. She didn't forget to check whether it was locked or not.

When she finished, she leaned against the door. She thought for a while and got a little angry.

What did Edward mean? Will sleeping with her again make him comfortable? Oh! Wait a minute. Not sleeping her back will make him uncomfortable.

In her opinion, people as kind as Greg would eventually become so philistine and dreadful, she wouldn't believe that any man would treat a woman sincerely anymore. It was better to spend the rest of her life on study than to fall in love with someone and get nothing in the end. She would use her own card to get what she wanted to eat, to wear and no need depending on others!

She wouldn't waste her time on a relationship even was pursued by a man who treated her seriously, let alone the estrangement between her and Edward.

Indeed, as Hilda said, marrying Edward won't have to worry about food or clothing, and will be served very well. But the wealth she could get so easily would bring her no sense of security.

Although Edward looked like a boy in his twenties, he was actually in his thirties. Angela had a big age gap with him! He is nine years older than her.

As far as her family was concerned, although her family was not poor, it was only a little well-off. But the worth of a suit of Edward which was enough for her to buy a good house in the small city! Such a huge gap was inevitable to cause family conflicts.

In regards to career, he was the representative of wealth, and her dream was to focus on academic research. They were not in the same world at all.

All in all, in her opinion, she and Edward did not deserve each other at all!

She was no longer the age that only judged on appearance and believed in love. Because of what the Fang Family had done to her, she was now more convinced that the two people who came from the same family and had the same social status as each other could have a longer marriage!

In other words, rather than said that she had no feelings for Edward, better than said that she was more likely to stop herself from jumping into a bigger whirlpool!

After a short consideration, she was even more determined to study hard and live a life she wanted in the rest of her life!

She nodded and looked subconsciously at the desk. Just now she was full of confidence, suddenly she was like a deflated ball. She went over and sat on the chair, staring at a table of books, and sighed bitterly.

With the arrival of July, all the new trainees were reviewing and preparing for the postgraduate entrance exam. Because of tons of work, she was delay for a long time. Thus, she couldn't take time off to study for some trivial matters. 'I can't go on like this!' Thus, she must find a quite environment that is suitable to study and turned off her cellphone, well concentrate on study!

She remembered there was a library nearby, so she could study there after finishing her work everyday, which would be more efficient!

After making the decision, she intended to find clothes to take a shower. After looking for a set of clothes in the wardrobe, it suddenly occurred to her that Edward had left or not.

She put her clothes on the bed and walked to the door quietly. She opened the door a crack and didn't open the door until she found that he wasn't outside.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she confirmed that there was no one in the hall.

Twenty seven minutes later, when she came out of the bathroom, she was shocked by Edward who was standing at the door.

"You! Why are you still here?"

He frowned and said, "Hilda probably forgot to tell you that she burned out my electric circuit last night. The maintenance personnel came here today to test the electric circuit and appliances."

So... He could only live here.

Angela suddenly felt uneasy, and at that time, she discovered that he had just finished showering, wearing a pure white T-shirt and gray housepants, with a white towel around his neck that had dried his hair.

He had brought his clothes over, it seemed that what he said was true!

She couldn't help but shiver. Then she forced a smile and said, "okay! Then... Mr. Edward, have a good rest!"

After that, she bypassed him and entered the room.

After she entered the room, she pulled a long face and made a phone call to Hilda.


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