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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 78

The liquid had seeped into the wound. Angela felt a severe burning feeling and she could not help but shrink her foot. Edward had prepared to catch her on her ankle so that he could continue the treatment.

In fact, Edward's hand trembled a little. He had always been indifferent, but he didn't expect that such things would make his heart tremble.

When Edward was bandaging, his mobile phone vibrated on the table. Edward continued bandaging and did not seem to be going to answer it. Angela had a look of it and it was from Mr. Lucas.

She looked at the clock on the wall. It was nearly one o'clock in the morning. Mr. Lucas called at this time. He must have something important to tell Edward.

After he patiently cleaned her wound, he glanced at the phone and saw it was from Lucas. He hesitated for a few seconds, but finally didn't answer it.

"Mr. Lucas is calling at this time. It must be something important." Angela reminded him, "I can do it myself."

"Never mind." Edward didn't raise his head and continued to deal with her wound.

After cleaning and wrapping, he was always careful. After wrapping the gauze, he stood up. "Wait a moment."

Then Edward went into the kitchen and took out a can of chocolate from the cabinet. He took out one. It was small, round and golden, shining.

She and Hilda bought it in H Special Administration Area. Because she thought it was so delicious, she bought a large jar on her second visit.

It was Angela's favorite among snacks in the cupboard. How did Edward know it? Besides...

"Take one and you may not feel as much pain. " He helped her peel the shiny golden paper and put it near her lips.

Every time Angela finished injection when she was a child, she would sit on one side crying. Her mother would give her the sugar prepared, and Angela wouldn't cry at the sight of it.

Until now, as long as Angela was sick to the doctor, she would give herself a candy after it. She said to himself, "Mom also said that you should be better to yourself when you are uncomfortable! As a reward! "

She didn't remember if she had told this to Hilda. But since Edward had done it, she thought she had said.

Angela held the pillow, absent-minded as she was, but she ate the chocolate subconsciously. Her thin and soft lips touched Edward's fingertips, which made him stunned.

Angela lowered her head, letting the chocolate in her mouth melt slowly. Angela felt the chocolate tasted too sweet this time.

She remembered that a year ago, she and Greg were still together. She caught a heavy cold and had a fever. Greg accompanied her to the school hospital's office. While Angela were put on the drip, she said she wanted some candies. Then, with a smile on his face, Greg said, "You're an adult, how can you eat candies because of taking an injection?"

"I just want to eat it!" She said like a spoiled child.

"Just eat your porridge. You haven't eaten for a day! After eating the porridge, I will consider whether I will buy you some candies or not. "

Angela remembered that Greg didn't buy her candies after she finished porridge. Because he was in a hurry to return to the school to work out the final thesis of the semester. Handing fifty-five to her, he said, "I'm going back to work with my thesis. Christa has already come here and she will drive you back later. You can buy some delicious food by yourselves."

At that time, Greg was still very gentle to her, but Angela knew that he just didn't want to be bothered. It was the supermarket outside the school medical room and it took only ten minutes to come and go.

In fact, Edward had nothing to do with her, but he remembered what she liked to eat and when she wanted candies particularly. He didn't say she was fragile, but took it over directly.

The moment Angela looked up at Edward, her eyes were covered with tears.

Seeing her choking back her tears, Edward asked nervously, "What's wrong? Did I hurt your wound because I wrapped it too tightly? "

As he said, he put down the can and reached out his hand to hold her foot.


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