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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 82

Edward gently pushed the door open. Seeing there were so many people in the ward, she suddenly felt uneasy.

In addition to Jonson and Tracy who she met last night, and Hilda who said she was going on a business trip but was still here, there was another man, a fat man with big belly, a delicate woman with delicate makeup, and two girls.

One of the two girls was in a light purple T-shirt and jeans, her hair dyed purple, and the other in a light purple dress, with curly hair, a little elderly. When they saw Edward, they greeted him in one voice, "brother."

Hilda once said that she was the only sister of Edward. These strangers must be from Edward's Uncle's family.

Edward nodded as a response. Then he greeted them politely: "uncle, aunt, father."

When they saw Hilda, both of them were amazed. And when Hilda saw them, she got closer to them subconsciously.

"Aren't you on a business trip?"

Edward asked softly. This was exactly what Angela was confused with.

"I've brought all my suitcases with me. I was going to the airport when I went to the bathroom. Before I came out of the bathroom, I heard aunt was crying harshly. How can I miss such a good play?" Hilda murdered

Edward was speechless, "..."

"So you've changed your flight reservation?" Asked Angela.

That's Hilda's style of doing things.

As expected, she nodded with anticipation.

When Edward was about to say hello to his grandmother, Carol excitedly called out to Angela: "Hilda! Did you come to see grandma?"

When Angela saw the kind smile on Carol's face, she always thought of her own grandma. She knew that grandmother Carol thought of her as Hilda again.

Hilda bent over and whispered in her ear: "don't be mad at her. Ask her to tell you the password."

Angela rolled her eyes at her and said: "all you care about is money!"

"I only care about you..." While saying that, she continued affectionately: "and the password of the bank card that you will know soon!"

Suddenly, Hilda realized something was wrong and asked: "Angela, why do you need a wheelchair?"

"My foot was cut by glass."

Over there, Carol called "Hilda". Hilda hurriedly touched her shoulder and said: "grandma is calling you!"

Angela was speechless, "..."

In order to get the money, Hilda even gave up her identity!

But she wasn't Hilda! What's more, she could clearly feel that Sandy, Edward's aunt, and two younger female cousins were staring at her unkindly.

Edward whispered in her ear: "grandma treats you as Hilda. The doctor said that she couldn't be stimulated. Do me a favor, dear. Help me keep grandma in a good mood."

Looking at the old woman with gray hair, Angela couldn't bear to tell her the truth, so she nodded.

Seeing that she agreed, Edward could not help smiling happily. Then he pushed her to the bed.


The readers' comments on the novel: Keep you in my arms