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Keep you in my arms novel Chapter 86

He caught the obstinate eyes of Angela, who tried hard to hold back her tears and defend her dignity.

He wanted to ask more, but he didn't open his mouth.

Anyone would like to avoid his or her scar being uncovered, and she was stubborn. If he really wanted to help, he would choose another way.

The night of the S City was as bright as daytime. The traffic on the road was constantly flowing. Looking down, it was like seeing a river with lights shining. The continuous flow of "rivers" was also like the tears that Angela shed.

On the table laid the latest Chinese Literary History, and there was a red and burning invitation card. The name of Greg was in it, but there was no her name.

Greg Fang, Mary Wei...

Although she had thought about it many times, Mary was holding his hand with a bright smile, and Greg would never rub her head, because it was Mary who stood next to him.

How many times did she persuade herself not to care? How many times did she implicated herself that if Greg didn't trust her, then it was not worth it.

The recollection of Greg and her first love, Minnie Zhang, all poured into Angela's mind for no reason.

Was she really so bad? She had given her heart and soul to both of the relationships. At last, Minnie left her and Greg chose someone else.

Or, just as her mother said, in a marriage, the sacrifice of a woman must be very great. If the woman was not willing to sacrifice, then she could not get the family warmth she wanted.

But why was that? Was there no one willing to wait for her? She couldn't tell whether she was sad because she lost Greg or because her faith was destroyed.

She sat at the table with empty eyes and cried for two hours.

At three o'clock in the morning, the woman on the bed curled up in the quilt.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open slowly. A man walked in.

The tall figure cast a shadow and enveloped her in the bed. Edward squatted down so that he could see her face clearly. He thought she might have fallen asleep long ago.

He couldn't help but reach out his hand and put his finger on her forehead. Then he slid his finger along her face to her chin.

Suddenly, the scene that she struggled in his arms, cried and cursed him "bastard" came to his mind.

At the beginning, he was afraid that she would entangle him because of something like that. Now, he felt that she only belonged to him back then.

He smiled, but he couldn't help but leave his own mark on her lips.

Seeing that Angela didn't react much to his touch, he couldn't help raising the corner of his mouth. When he released her, she licked her lips with her pink tongue unexpectedly.

He thought she was awakened but she just licked her lips. He couldn't help chuckling.

Suddenly, he remembered the purpose of sneaking into her room. He stood up and looked at the bag on the table. He walked on bare foot. Then he opened the flashlight app and unzipped her bag.

He checked a little and found nothing suspicious. Then he zipped back the bag and put it back to where it was.

He then looked at the table again. When he saw the red card, he was confused and subconsciously opened it.

With a glance, he knew why Christa came to her and why she cried secretly today.

He frowned and remembered that he also received an invitation yesterday. It was said that the daughter of the president of the Anson Bank, Richard Wei was married and the bride's name on the invitation was also Wei.

It took a long time for him to recover from his thoughts, and then he put the thing back to its place.

Then he walked to her and stared at her. In the dark, he didn't need to worry that she would refuse him. He just kissed her forehead again. Think of it as "goodnight kiss". After that, he went out of the bedroom.


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