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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 37

Chapter 37 

After a long day of training, Janet and her soldiers walked out of the field bathed in the warm afternoon sunlight

Although they got interrupted once by Harper’s drama today, they still had a very productive day

Everyone’s spirit was high. They had no doubt that Blood Moon Pack would be able to win the next round of competition again

Kass was walking by Janet’s side, talking enthusiastically to her about a training tactic that he learnt today

And it was when a deep voice came from behind their backs


Janet paused and turned around

Daran was walking up to them in long strikes

He walked directly passed a few shewolves who wanted to say hi to him and came to Janet’s side

How are you feeling today?Daran asked while studying Janet’s face closely

Janet smiled and answered with a businessliketone, I am fine. Thank you for asking.” 

You shouldn’t start training so soon. Baron was still in bed rest. And so should you.” 

Well,Janet shrugged, Lucky for my pack, I am nothing like Baron.” 

Daran raised an eyebrow

Janet’s tone was clearly sarcastic. But Daran didn’t seem offended by that

Blood Moon Pack is indeed lucky to have you,Daran said coolly

He directed his cold gaze at Kass and asked, Is this your soldier?” 

Yes. My junior captain, Kass.” 

The soldiersdining hall is on the other side of the training field. You are heading towards the wrong direction, junior Captain Kass.Daran said with a faint hint of hostility in his voice

Kass hesitated and looked at Janet, who faced Daran with a polite smile on her face

I invite him to sit with me in our dining room. Is this going to be a problem Alpha Daran?she asked

Daran’s face turned dark

You invite him quite often.He stared at Janet, Are you two close?” 

Janet avoided his intimidating gaze and said, I don’t think I need to report every detail of my personal life to you, Alpha DaranNow, if you will excuse me.” 

She turned and walked away with Kass

But she could still feel Daran staring at her behind her back

Janet couldn’t help but let out a small sigh internally. 

She knew that she might face some troubles coming back to Riverside Pack

But she never foresaw Daran to be thisclingy

What did he want now

Was he suddenly regretted of how he treated her before

Regardless, it was too late now

Gamma Janet,Kass spoke up by her side in an irritated voice, Why does Alpha Daran care about you so much? He acts as though the two of you go way back. It is so weird.” 

Janet never told anyone about her past in Riverside Pack, except to Casper and Balvina

So Kass didn’t know that she used to be Daran’s Luna

And Janet intended to keep things this way

I don’t know. Maybe he is just a weird person,Janet answered elusively and then turned to Kass with a smile. You must be starving. Hurry. I heard they are serving lobsters today.” 

The group of them arrived at the hotel’s banquet hall soon, where all Alphas and generals dined

When Janet stepped in with Kass, Balvina and Casper, she was not surprised to find that Harper was here as well

Harper had got changed again and was now dressed in a stunning evening gown. She 

even wore a diamond necklace to complete her whole look

She did stand out from the crowd of exhausted, sweaty soldiers

Alpha Daran!” 

Harper called and scurried over to them. Then she skipped Janet and addressed Casper with a smile, Alpha Casper!” 

Janet raised an eyebrow and turned to Daran, It just occurred to meAlpha Daran, do you know that Harper was in Blood Moon’s training field this afternoon?” 

Daran immediately frowned

What are you doing there?he asked Harper sternly, Civilians are forbidden to enter training fields.” 

II didn’t enter!Harper stammered in panic, I was just admiring those gallant soldiers behind the fence-” 

Then why didn’t you visit your own pack?” Janet let out a sneer, Do you find Riverside’s soldiers less gallant than Blood Moon’s soldiers?” 

Janet’s voice was loud enough for everyone in the hall to hear

And some generals from Riverside Pack immediately turned to glare at Harper. No!Harper’s face turned red with embarrassment, It is not what I meant-I don’t care what you meant. But please stay away from my training field in the future. Otherwise, the next thing that hit you in the head won’t be a simple dodge ball.” 

With that said, Janet walked away from Harper and left her standing on her spot in rage. 

Harper bit down her lip in fume

She couldn’t believe that Janet managed to give her a hard time as soon as she stepped into the room

That bitch 


She couldn’t wait a single second to get rid of Janet

Harper took in a few deep breaths to calm herself down. Then she put on a sweet smile and went over to sit down with Casper

Janet, Balvina and Kass were all at the bar ordering their drinks. So Casper happened 

to be alone when Harper approached him

Alpha Casper” 

Harper pout and said in a pitiful voice, Do you blame me for visiting your training field as well?” 

Casper turned to look at her

After a small pause, he chuckled lowly, It is Janet’s training field. I have no right to blame anyone.” 

But you are the Alpha! You have the right to do anything you please.Harper leant over to him and whispered, If you ask me, Janet can be very bossy and rude and unreasonable sometimesLook at her with that soldier—” 

She gestured Casper to look at Janet and Kass

-If she still cares about your feelings, she should never be that intimate with a soldier!” 

The smile on Casper’s face faded away, What is your point exactly, Miss Harper?My point is-” 

Harper smiled

-there are many great women out there. Don’t keep your options limited.” 

Just then, a maid come over to fill Casper’s glass. Her hand shook and some of the wine got spilled on Casper’s hand

Oh god! My apology Alpha Casper!the maid immediately apologized in panic, Please let me” 


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