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Kidnapped by my mate (Belle and Grayson) novel Chapter 60


I was positive that I had not processed Zagan’s words accurately

What the hell do you mean?” 

Perhaps it’s better if you sit, Alpha Grayson,the girl vampire said. Your intensity is going to scare your pack 

members. You need to calm down.” 

I snapped my teeth. Don’t f**king tell me what to do.” 

Easy, everyone,chided Zagan. Minnie

come over here.” 

The girl joined Zagan and Casimir. Seeing them all together, it occurred to me that they were all part of the royal family. All Mortars

I was standing in front of Zagan Mortar, king of the vampires; Casimir Mortar, the secondborn and head warrior of the clan

and Amelia Mortar, the fourthborn and royal healer

I remembered what Azazel had said about 

Kyle snooping around in his things before attacking him

Kyle had known Azazel was planning to wage war on the pack, but thought it was me who was in cahoots with the Clan of 


Even then, he’d been brave enough to get in touch with King Zagan and enlist his help

He knew the royal family would be the only ones strong enough to defeat Azazel

I looked over at Kyle and mindlinked him

You invited them here. You invited the most powerful vampires in the world onto my territory without my permission

Yes, Kyle began, already defensive and 

cautious, but only because- 

You did the right thing, I interrupted, stopping him before he went on a tangent. Remind me to thank you properly later

He smiled slightly

Oh, okay. You got it. I’ll be expecting an entire party in my honor, streamers and everything

I rolled my eyes and chuckled

Although, after all he had done to keep the pack safe the last few months, maybe he did deserve a party

I turned back to the three royal vampires, who obviously knew that Kyle and I had just mindlinked and were watching with 

wary expressions

So,I began, this immortal powerMight it have something to do with my recent transition? Why isn’t Kyle 

immortal too?” 

Zagan looked to Casimir, who took a deep breath. There was a king long 

ago who was a hybrid like you. Elijah Viotto.” 

My mate was named after him,Kyle interjected. He was the most powerful king ever known to mankind.” 

Casimir nodded, continuing, He ruled over all species, vampires and werewolves, back before the divide. He was extremely powerful, but the people loved him because he was a fair and decent ruler.” 

Casimir hesitated, but his father nodded to him encouragingly

King Elijah was mated to a fairy. She must have been one of the last ones out there, because they’ve become extinct. As I’m sure you know, fairies lived forever unless they were killed by an unnatural cause

I nodded, not wanting to interrupt his talking

According to legend, once the fairy and 

the king mated, King Elijah gained what we now know as the power of the Mortars -control with your mind. And he gained his mate’s immortality.” 


People say the king was able to gift this control to those he deemed worthy. But it was too much for some, resulting in a great war between vampires and werewolves and the deaths of many. It was in this war that King Elijah was killed by the man he called his closest friend, Damian Mortar.” 

He took the throne,I said. I had heard of Damian Mortar, the firstever vampire king

Casimir nodded, Yes. King Damian took the throne, created the royal clan

and continued the Mortar line, gifting his offspring with the same power. We are all descended from him. But he could not repair the rift between werewolves and vampires, resulting in the current bad blood between the species.” 

Surprise over the fact that I had never heard this story ran through me. It seemed to be an important part of the history of my kind

So the king gained immortality from mating with a fairy,I said slowly, but my mate is not a fairy. She is human. Nor have we completed the mating ritual. It doesn’t explain why I would be this way.” 

We don’t think all of this is because 

of your mate, but something else,said Zagan. Although if this is true and you are the man we think you are, your mate will be impacted as well. You see, King Elijah left behind a prophecy.” 

By now I was even more worried. Belle 

had been mentioned

My wolf and newfound vampire were pressing up against my conscious, listening carefully

And what was this prophecy, exactly?


You tell him, Casimir,said Minnie

You’re the one who found it and studied 


I watched Casimir closely. He was 

nervous about what he was about to say, his eyes never meeting mine

Wellyears ago, I found a scroll in the royal palace. On it, King Elijah himself prophesied that there would be a powerful hybrid who would become immortal and possess the powers of the Mortars. He would ascend the throne as the most powerful man alive, restoring peace between all specieseven 

vampires and werewolves.” 

I almost burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of this theory

They can’t possibly think I’m the man from the prophecy

Me, take over a throne that currently belonged to vampires

No. No, thank you

After a few seconds of silence, Kyle asked, You don’t think Alpha Grayson is 

What did it say about this man’s mate?I interrupted

Casimir thought for a moment before replying, It said thatthat the mate of the new king, who knew hardship and loss, would undergo their own transition after the mating ritual. They would becomeHe hesitated. They would become a fairy, the only fairy in the world, and extremely powerful. Just as 

King Elijah’s mate, Queen Evangeline

was. Together, these mates would rule all mythical creatures, taking on King Elijah and Queen Evangeline’s roles.” 

I stared at Casimir for a second. He thought there was a possibility that I was destined to become ruler of all mythical creatures. And that Belle, my sweet human mate, would becomeA fairy queen

Fairies were among the most powerful known creatures, born with the ability to pick up just about any skillprecisely why they had been hunted into extinction

I struggled to find something to say

Soyou thinkI’m the man from the prophecy.” 

Casimir shrugged a bit. The prophecy said it would happen sometime in the decade after the scroll was discovered. It’s been nine years.” 

But that isn’t the only reason,Zagan chimed in. You meet all the expectations set for the new king, although some might be new developments. You’re a hybrid, you have a mate who knows hardship, you were able to resist my command, and you are basically impossible to kill. By all accounts you should have died after the period of Azazel’s occupation.” 

The only thing in question,Casimir interjected, is whether you will have the power of the Mortars.” 

I sucked in a breath

The power of the Mortars? I’m not sure I want that kind of power

My alpha tone only affected pack 


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