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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 109

Chapter 109: Betting that this marriage will not succeed 

Summer days change, the sun is still shining in the morning, and the afternoon is cloudy. 

When they arrived at Qingquan, there was already a heavy rainstorm outside. 

Fortunately, the shooting was not on location, but in the studio. 

Bella and Uriah got out of the car and went in, and the assistant came right away. 

“Uriah, Uriah, 

The assistant looked at Bella and said, “Uriah, the director said it’s raining heavily today, so we can’t go back. We’ll stay here tonight and shoot the next week together.” 

Bella frowned slightly and looked at Uriah, “Uriah…” 

“No problem.” 

There was a flash of light in her eyes, and she said, “Calling you here today has delayed you.” 

“Wait here, I’ll accompany you when I’m done.” 


Bella followed the assistant to the dressing room, and the director hurried over, “Uriah, hello, hello.” 

Chapter 109 Betting that this marriage will not succeed 

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Uriah shook his outstretched hand and said, “Busy with you, don’t worry about me.” 

The director said, “Okay, okay, Uriah is sitting here. If you think it’s too noisy, you can go upstairs. There is a quiet room upstairs.” 


Uriah sat on the sofa, and the director immediately asked someone to bring the tea snacks over, and said to Uriah, if you need anything, just give orders and leave. 

Uriah folded her legs and leaned back to watch the workers coming and going in the shed. 

It seemed that because he was here, none of them dared to speak. They were just busy silently, and the atmosphere was very different. 

Not long after, Bella came out. 

She was wearing an antique white gauze dress, with long hair and light makeup, like a fairy. 

Uriah’s eyes fell on her, and she looked over and smiled at her, beautiful. 

The sound of a mouthful of cold air came from the shed, and the staff looked straight at each other. 

In fact, if it weren’t for Bella’s family background, Uriah, the giant Buddha, would be there, and she wouldn’t know how many people had done it. 

The director coughed lightly and said, “Prepare.” 

The stunned staff remembered that there was a big Buddha sitting 

Chapter 109 Betting that this mamage will not succeed 

there behind. 

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One by one, they hurriedly picked up the tools in their hands and prepared, holding their breaths, and did not dare to come out. 

I’m tired of coveting his wife in front of Uriah! 

The arc of laughter at the corner of Bella’s mouth widened, and she came to an acacia tree and posed. 

They are going to shoot a promotional video for a movie. 

And the of this movie is Bella. 

Uriah sat on the sofa with his elbows propped up and looked lazily at the man under the tree with his back to him. 

It’s just that he seems to be looking at a painting, a contract, and there is no waves in his eyes. 

The photographer clicks with the camera. 

Bella is a model, and her posture is very beautiful, which makes people admire in addition to admiration. 

Two hours later, the shoot ended. 

Bella went to the changing room to change clothes, walked out, and held Uriah, “Uriah, I’m hungry.” 

The makeup on her face was not removed, and she held him like this, revealing the delicate state of a little woman. 

Just like her ten years ago. 

Uriah looked at her, “What do you want to eat?” 

Betting that this mamage will not succeed 

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“Remember the snack bar we used to eat at? I want to go there.” 


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