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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 123

Chapter 123, you should die of this heart 

Alva’s flight was at 8:00 p.m., and she called Frank before getting on the plane. 

She is now a designer at AK, but also at Daven. 

Frank was very happy when he received her call, “Alva, I thought you forgot about me when you had a fiancé!” 

Frank is as humorous as ever, he likes Alva, but he understands that feelings can’t be forced, so he can only 


Heartfelt blessings. 

A good woman deserves to be happy. 

“You are my boss, how could I forget?” 

Alva and Frank were the easiest. 

No pressure, no burden. 

“I love to hear that!” 

“I’m going back to United States, probably tomorrow.” 

“Return to United States? Oh, myGod! Are you going to resign with me again?” 

Alva laughed, “Yeah, I’m going to resign with you again, what do you do?” 

“No, no, no, I firmly disagree, you should die of this heart!” 

1388 Vouchers 

Chapter 123, you should die of this heart 

Hearing his firm voice, Alva couldn’t help laughing, “Just kidding, I’m going back to United States to find the old crafts of the past.” 

“You scared me to death, Alva, you’re so bad!” 

“Well, not as bad as you.” 

“When are you coming back? I know a place, I’ll take you there.” 

Frank became serious in a second. 

“I’ve already understood, I’m going to H City.” 

“H City? Why are you so sudden?” 

“I have an idea, so I have to go to H City.” 


“Okay, I’ve been busy with the autumn clothing listing for the past two days, and I can’t accompany you anymore.” 

“No need, I just want to tell you that we will meet again when we have time.” 


The two hung up, and Alva turned off her phone and looked out the window. 

Return home. 

Not A city, but H City. 

Despite this, the heart is still tight. 

She still can’t do it. 

Chapter 123, you should die of this heart 

Bend your lips and close your eyes. 

288 Vouchers 

When the plane arrived in H City, it was just in the morning, less than eight o’clock. 

Alva got off the plane and sent Jackson a message telling him she had arrived. 

Soon Jackson called. 

“Just got off the plane?” 

“Well, I’m waiting for my luggage now.” 

“Have you booked the hotel?” 

“It’s booked.” 

“Then go to the hotel after you get your luggage, have a good rest, and then go to work.” 


When the luggage came over, Alva said, “I’m hanging up, I’ll text you when I get to the hotel.” 


Alva picked up her luggage, hailed a taxi and went to the hotel she had booked. 

Jackson called his assistant. 

“I’m going back to H City tomorrow.” 

He was worried about her being alone in H City. 

“Jackson, you have a small concert tomorrow night.” 


Chapter 173, you should die of this heart 


“Jackson, you have already pushed many concerts during this period of time, so you can’t push it further.” 

“I’m going to take a plane back to H City tomorrow at the latest, you arrange it!” 

At the airport, Uriah in a black suit came from inside, followed by Jareth. 

Jareth is on the phone, “Well, Uriah and I are in H City, you inform the people below that there will be a meeting in two hours.” 

Someone is waiting outside, see Uriah, hurry over. 

“Uriah, Jareth. ” 

Jareth gave him the ticket, “Go get the luggage.” 


The man took the ticket and handed it to the person following behind, “Hurry up and get the luggage.” 



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