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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 125

Chapter 125, what will he do again? 

The suit is straight, calm and capable. 


Alva saw him and froze in place. 

Jareth saw her and stopped too. 

A second later, he said, “Alva.” 

Alva’s fingers quivered and she said, “Jareth.” 

Jareth nodded, “I still have something to do, I’ll go first.” 


Elara looked at Jareth who had left, and then at Alva, with a look of surprise, “You know each other?” 

Alva clenched her hands and let go, “I’ve seen it before.” 

Elara laughed, “It’s normal for you big designers to meet the assistant of the big boss.” 

Alva recognized the meaning of her words and said, “Big boss?” 

“Yeah, don’t you know? The owner of the assistant just now bought the land on the other side of our factory. He is rich!” 

“He’s a rich man.” 

Alva clenched her hands. 


The person who bought Mr. Callahan’s land is Uriah, and the person who wants to learn from Mr. Callahan is her. What kind 

of fate is this? 


The old voice came, and Elara shut up quickly, led Alva in, and came to an old man with gray hair. 

“Mr. Callahan, this is the AK designer Alva I told you about yesterday.” 

Alva looked at the old man. “Hello, Mr. Callahan.” 

The old man had a tired look on his face, but he was still polite, “Sit.” 

Jareth got in the car and the car quickly left the community. He picked up his phone and dialed a number. 

“Uriah, I saw Alva just now.” 

After he finished speaking, the phone went quiet for a few seconds, and a low voice came over, “Where?” 

“Callahan’s house.” 

She paused and said, “She seems to be looking for Callahan.” 


Uriah hung up the phone, elbows propped up, fingers pressed to lips, the other hand holding the phone, eyes half drooping, fingertips rubbing against the screen. 

Alva and Callahan chatted for a while, explaining their 

purpose for coming here, and the old man listened and said 


he was willing to teach her. 

Alva was very happy and couldn’t believe it, “You really want to?” 

“If it was in the past, I wouldn’t be willing, but now my factory is gone, and I’m a long time old. If I don’t hand over this craft to the right people, this craft will be lost.” 

He didn’t want the things passed down by his ancestors to be lost like this. 

There is such a good opportunity for more people to see and carry forward, he is very willing. 

Alva said solemnly, “Don’t worry, I won’t let this skill be lost.” 

Elara leaves while Alva stays at Callahan’s house and begins studying with him. 

She was pressed for time and could not delay. 

In the evening, Alva went back to the hotel, ate some instant noodles, and turned on the computer to organize what she had learned today. 

By the time she finished her work, it was already early morning. 

Alva washed and slept, and when she lay down on the bed, she remembered a thing that had been put aside by herself. 


He came, so Uriah should have come too. 

And meeting her today, Jareth should tell him. 

what will he do again? 

If he knew that she was here, would he do something else? 

Or is it better to say that he appeared here early in the morning? 


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