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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 134

Chapter 134, Disclosure of Your Relationship 

Bella, wearing sunglasses and under the protection of bodyguards, struggled to get outside Alva’s ward. 

Jackson stood in the doorway, looking at her. 

Bella took off her sunglasses and smiled at him gracefully, “Jackson, I’m here to see my family 

Jackson’s mouth curved slightly, “Thank you Bella.” 

Open the ward door 

Bella goes in 

Click, click, as Bella walked into the ward, the camera outside kept pressing the shutter 

Alva raised her hand to block the light. 

Jackson stood at the door, blocking the view of the people outside, “Sorry, my fiancée needs to rest. I hope everyone is quiet and don’t disturb ” 

Close the ward door. 

The smile on Bella’s lips disappeared the moment she walked in. 

She looked at the person in the hospital bed. 

The eyes are cold. 

Two years ago, she met Alva for the first time, she was high up, she was low as dust. 


Today she saw her, and she was no longer the one who prayed humbly, but her enemy. 

Alva also looked at Bella. 

To say that Bella is her rival in love, she doesn’t think so, but to say that Bella has nothing to do with her, it is absolutely false. 

The two of them were like parallel lines, intersecting the moment Uriah appeared, and then, unable to pull apart again. 

Jackson walked in, as if he couldn’t feel the undercurrent between the two, he lifted a stool and put it behind Bella. “Bella, sit.” 

Bella put her bag down and sat down gracefully. 

She looked at Alva and smiled, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes. 

“Yesterday, Jackson called me and told me about your current situation. It’s Uriah’s problem. He is too old-fashioned to accept his ex- wife marrying a good friend.” 

“Don’t worry. I can figure it out. The past is the past, and now is the present. I won’t let Uriah destroy the relationship between you because of this. 

As she spoke, she smiled apologetically. “It’s also my problem. Uriah proposed to me many times, but I didn’t agree. I have to agree earlier. 

“I’m selfish, thinking about my own career, but now I’m implicating you.” 

Alva looked at her, her hands clenched. 

Bella is really Bella, every sentence is reasonable, every sentence is digging people’s hearts. 

Jackson frowned, “Bella…” 

Bella looked at him and interrupted him, “Jackson, don’t worry, I will help you deal with this.” 

“Today I came to talk to you about your marriage to Alva.” 

“Although I’m not your parent, if you call me Bella, then I’m your elder.” 


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