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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 141

Chapter 141, his strangeness 

Alva, open up. 

Inside the box lay an old book, the kind of old book from many years ago, all yellow and rotten. 

“This is…” 

Alva looked at Callahan. 

I don’t know what book this is. 

Callahan said, “This records all the embroidery methods, techniques, and patterns of Embroidery. You keep it.” 

Alva quickly closed the box, “I can’t accept this!” 

How important is this thing, how can she take it? 

Quickly push the box over. 

Callahan held the box down. “This book has been passed down from the Thomas Family. To me, it is more important than the enamel porcelain plate, but this thing is a useless book in the hands of useless people.” 

“I have to give it to the right person, it’s the treasure, Alva know what I mean?” 

How could Alva not understand? 

This thing has sustained the Thomas Family for so long, it’s priceless. 

But, “Mr. Callahan, this is too valuable, I really…” 

“If you don’t accept it, then I won’t teach you.” 

Alva didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “Mr. Callahan, you are…” 


Callahan knew what she wanted to say and said, “Take it, I’ll be moving out in a 

few days.” 

“Move away?” 

Alva sat up straight. 

Mr. Callahan has moved away. How will she learn? 

Callahan nodded and looked around, his eyes full of attachment and reluctance, “I have also sold this place, and someone will come to buy the house in a few days. I have no time to teach you, so this book, you accept it, and carry forward our Embroidery!” 

Alva looked at the anticipation in Callahan’s eyes, the longing that lit the fire in her heart like a fire. 

She clenched her hands, “Okay, I promise you!” 

Alva didn’t go back until evening, and Jackson came to pick her up. 

It’s just that his face doesn’t look good, and he doesn’t react when she talks to him. 

Alva looked at Jackson. 

He was driving with no lights on in the car, only the street lights outside the window shone in from time to time, and the light fell on his face. Alva saw his furrowed brows and slightly pursed lips. 

She turned her head, looked forward, and said no more. 

He has something on his mind. 

The car stopped at the hotel and the two walked in. 

However, as soon as Alva entered, the eyes of the front desk in the lobby fell on her face, covering her mouth with a look of disbelief. 

Alva frowned. 

It was as if he had seen something important. 

She could not bear to think too much, and a hand appeared at her waist. When 

this hand moved, she moved closer to her familiar arms. 

Alva looked up, and Jackson said with a sullen face, “Never mind.” 

He hugged her and walked into the elevator. 

The front desk hurriedly took pictures of the two’s backs, and as soon as the elevator door was closed, he immediately opened the webpage and posted the photos he had just taken. 

The ex-wife of the president of the Heyday Group is with a talented violinist. 


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