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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 181

Chapter 181, Two Missed Calls 


Mom called her, and she probably guessed what she was going to say. 

So, she didn’t want to give her back the past. 


“Director, I went back to Paris yesterday and came to the company this morning. Are you in the company?” 


“Okay, I’ll be there in about twenty minutes. When I arrive, I’ll report to you on my work during this period.” 


The phone hung up, and Alva looked out the window, her eyes narrowed. 

A new day, a new beginning, she is still Alva. 

She has to be fine. 


Jason called Ambrose. 

Ambrose valued Alva, and he knew it. 

“Jason, what’s the matter?” 

“Ambrose, Alva is back to report on the latest work.” 

“So fast?” 

Ambrose was rarely surprised. 

He thought Alva wouldn’t be back for at least a month. 

“Yes, she just called me and said she will be in AK in about twenty minutes.” 

“Okay, I’m outside now, and I can’t come back for the time being. When she reports to you on her work, you show me a video, and I want to see her work results during this period.” 


Ambrose hung up the phone, checked the time, and called the secretary, “Push the schedule for the future, I will go back to headquarters tomorrow.” 

“Okay, Ambrose.” 

Ambrose looked at the dimmed screen, his eyes flashing. 

Alva, I’m looking forward to the work you bring back. 


After Alva arrived at AK, she sorted out the information in her hands. and went to Jason’s work room. 

After the assistant made two cups of coffee, Jason opened his laptop 

and said to Alva. “I told Ambrose that you were back and wanted to report on your work, and he wanted to hear it.” 


Jason quickly connected with Ambrose. 

He moved the camera over to Alva so that Ambrose could see her. 

Alva looked at the person on the screen, “Ambrose.” 

Ambrose nodded, “Say it.” 


Alva opened the file in her hand and said, “I went to H City and found Embroidery, which has been circulated in the United States for many years. Embroidery is elegant in color, vivid in design, meticulous in handwork, and has strong local colors. Ambrose must have heard of it.” 

“Of course, Embroidery is the first of the four embroideries in the United States and is very representative.” 

“Yes, originally I wanted to learn about Embroidery first, and then learn about the other three major embroideries, but first of all, it was too late, and secondly, the four embroideries would be very messy, so I chose the most representative Embroidery.” 

Ambrose looked at her, the light in her eyes beating, “Are you going to use Embroidery as your design concept?” 

“Yes, Embroidery has a history of a thousand years from its inception 

to now. It has gone through countless vicissitudes of life. Up to now, what it has left us is a treasure. I want to take out this treasure and let the world see how beautiful it is.” 

What is the most beautiful? 


The long river of time has things you never imagined. 

These things shock you, shock you. 

Ambrose curled his lips, and the smile at the corners of his mouth widened. 


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