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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 184

Chapter 184, you seem to have a prejudice against me 

Alva didn’t get back to the hotel until 10 p.m. When she got back to the hotel, she lay in bed and covered herself with a quilt 

After a while, she sat up with a frown. 

She didn’t have lunch or dinner 

My stomach is very upset now 

Get out of bed and look for something to cat, but there is nothing to cat in the room 

She hasn’t bought food since she arrived at the hotel yesterday 

He took his bag and mobile phone and went out to buy bread and instant noodles After eating, he washed up and slept, lying on the bed 

But she didn’t feel sleepy 

She remembered the phone call Esme had made to her. 

Also remembered one thing. 

The household registration book is with Jackson. 

Taking the phone. Alva pressed the screen to light up 

Since she left, Jackson has not called her or sent her any text messages. 

It was like accepting her leaving without any words. 

It was for the best, she reassured. 

i prejudice against m 

218 Vouchers 

Putting the phone aside, Alva closed her eyes. 

Let him have the household registration book. 

It was just enough to make her mother believe that she and he had obtained the certificate, got married, and would not bother her again. 

At the moment, Sydney. 

Jackson stood on the hotel balcony, cell phone in hand. 

The man’s voice came from the other end of the phone, “It’s done.” 

“Thanks for your hard work.” 

“It’s okay, it’s the early morning over there, rest early.” 

“You too.” 

Jackson hung up the phone and looked at the lights in the distance. 

There are five days left until the ninth of next month. 

They said a good engagement date… 

The next day, Alva went to the company early, still looking at the information. 

The thick stack that Jason brought, I didn’t finish it so quickly. 

Fortunately, no one came to disturb her. She was completely immersed in her work and forgot everything around her. 

It was night again. 

Ambrose arrived in Paris at night. 

He went back to wash up and came to the company. 


It’s just that it’s off-duty time when he arrives at the company. 

He went upstairs and pressed the thirty-seventh floor. 

Soon, the elevator door opened, and he walked out. Not long after, he stopped at the design department. 

The lights in other departments outside were off, only the lights in the design department were still on. 

It was very quiet inside, but in this silence from time to time you could hear the sound of pages turning over and the rustle of pens writing on notebooks. 

Ambrose looked at Alva, who was sitting inside and working. 

She held the information in one hand and took notes with the other. 

Between the side faces, it is serious and focused. 

Ambrose lifted his watch and looked at the time. 

Eight twenty. 

Not too early, not too late. 

But it seemed like a normal overtime for her. 

Standing at the door for a moment, Ambrose left. 

Alva was busy again at ten o’clock. 

She stopped working because she was hungry. 

Take the bread out of the bag and tidy up the table while eating. 

Quickly packed up, took the bag and turned to go out. 

Go out and bite the bread. 

Suddenly, she stopped and looked at the people standing outside the design department. 

Ambrose put one hand in her pocket, wearing a suit jacket in her hand. and looked at her with a straight posture. 


Alva wanted to call someone, but only then did she remember that she had just bitten the bread and hadn’t chewed it yet. 

She quickly chewed and swallowed it, but it was in a hurry and a little drv. 


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