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Let Love Takes Away All This Pain By Jenna Writes novel Chapter 187

Chapter 187, the person is missing 

Alva took a leave of absence from Jason to go out and buy her aunt’s towel. 

Fortunately, opposite the company is a general merchandise mall, which has everything. 

It was just that Alva was not familiar with the mall, and her English was not very good, so she did not change out of the bathroom in the mall, but bought good things and walked directly to the company. 

She walked out, and a little bulldog followed behind her. 

She didn’t know, she was walking very fast. 

It just so happens that the road is green, there are only ten seconds left. 

She quickened her pace and ran over. 

As she ran, the pit bull behind her also ran with her. 

It’s just that the little guy is fat, and the meat on his stomach follows when he runs, which is very funny, 

Suddenly, a bicycle rode over from behind it. It couldn’t dodge and was pressed to its feet. 

Alva heard the sound, turned around, and saw the bulldog lying on the ground, looking at her with tears in his eyes. 

She froze. 

The bulldog seemed to be looking at her. 


Where is her master? 

Alva looked around and didn’t see anyone coming, but people walking quickly past her looked at her. 

It seems that this pit bull is completely her dog. 


Seeing that she didn’t move, the bulldog whimpered even louder, as if crying. 

Alva’s heart was instantly soft. 

He bent down and squatted in front of it. “Where’s your master?” 

She couldn’t help but touch its head. 

Feeling her touch, the bulldog’s bark was quiet and very gentle. 

It’s just that the foot is pressed, and it feels uncomfortable, so it sticks. out its tongue to lick the foot. 

Alva looked over and saw that its feet were shaking, as if in pain. 

“Are you injured?” 

The bulldog seemed to know what she was talking about, and it purred as if it was responding. 

Hearing its voice, Alva felt distressed and said softly, “I’ll take you to the pet store to have a look, okay?” 

Saying that, he tentatively hugged it. 

It didn’t struggle or resist, but stuck out its tongue and licked Alva’s hand. 


Alva smiled and picked up the bulldog. 

And just as she picked up the bulklog and was about to get up to look at the road conditions around her, a car drove towards her 

AK Building, President’s Office. 

Ambrose looked at the open double doors and reacted for a while. 

He looked at the French window, then at the half-open door, frowning. 

He was clearly standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, but suddenly went out, as if something big had happened, without any signs. 

Ambrose came to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked into the distance, no dillerent. 

That’s weird. 

He didn’t call or do anything. Why did he suddenly go out? 

Ambrose shook his head and turned to his work desk. 

But after taking a step, he turned around and looked downstairs. 

On the road, a car stopped, and the people in the car followed and surrounded one place. 

Car accident. 

He frowned and turned to go out. 

Alva collapsed on the lawn, holding the bulldog in her arms. 

Seeing that she did not move, the bulldog arched its head in her arms and barked as if to wake her up. 

Alva opened her eyes, and unfamiliar faces appeared in sight. 

She was surrounded. 

But these eyes are kind. 

She didn’t panic and sat up. 

Seeing her sit up, everyone around her began to speak. 

“She’s awake!” 


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